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January 31, 2007
The Lunchbox Museum in Columbus, Georgia
Natalie Dee preparing Scrambled Emu eggs
Bocuse d'Or World Cuisine Contest
Amy Youngs Digestive Table: A living ecosystem of worms, sowbugs and bacteria
Great Appliance Disasters
10 novel uses for your microwave oven beside cooking food in it
On the Edibility of Very Old Food: A box of 106-year-old Cadbury bars
What Does 200 Calories Look Like?
“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants” – The summery of Unhappy Meals
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January 31, 2007 in Food | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
A photographic journey through central Asia. (From ActivityBook)
The World’s Worst Toilets. (Warning: Photos of the world’s worst toilets)
Old Photos of Lower Manhattan Skyline. (Image heavy. From Code Wolf)
German industrial buildings 1910-1925. These photos are from a small book called 'Bauten der Arbeit und des Verkehrs' (buildings of work and transport) 1925, one of 'Die Blauen Bücher' (the blue books), a series of thin paperback books on art and architecture
Abandoned from Kitty Empire
A guy from Ukraine, Alexandr Pashkevich, has made a model of Eiffel Tower from matches. (with 23 photos)
Also there - Siberia at Winter. Reconstructing the 1908 asteroid explosion in Siberia
Business Week's Architectural Wonders 2006 include innovative green office buildings, Apple's showcase store, and the world's longest over-sea bridge
By the way, some telemarketer called me today from (559) 437-5359, and hung up, so I Googled his number…
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January 31, 2007 in Traveling Places | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack
January 30, 2007
Squid brain
Congratulations to our winner of the Big Underwear Contest, Michelle from Plainfield! Enjoy our runners up as well
Tattoos #16 and dreadlocks pictures. (From Unknown Highway)
On the other hand, here’s the new look - Swedish Military Haircut
World record for the highest number of bonnets worn at the same time -51
Welcome to my Police hat collection
If you want to truly show your devotion (obsession) to your beloved Macintosh, here’s how to dress like a Mac
Shawn Zehnder Lea’s huge T-shirt of the day archives
Where’s my free T-shirt, bros?
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January 30, 2007 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
It was 38 years ago today
I Wanna Hold Your Hand played by The Four Squeezins
I met the Walrus, a short by Josh Ruskin
The contents of Koral Karsan’s entire blackmail letter to Yoko Ono
Last Will And Testament Of John Winston Ono Lennon
Ron Nasty (The Rutle who lives in New York) plays Cheese and Onions
Ringo's house to be museum piece
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January 30, 2007 in Music - Beatles | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack
Co-blog post about People with Disabilities
An overview of the T-4 program, the Nazi initiative to exterminate people with disabilities
How Stephen Hawking’s computerized voice synthesizer works. He is now using his blinking to communicate via IST switch. Stephen Hawking in space
The Unification of Stephen Hawking, by Mark O'Brien, disability activist and writer
Extreme Wheelchair Racing and Jumping
A list of 2,500 feature films which involve disabilities. It is directed towards anyone who has an interest in how disability is represented in films. Also, Picture Books about Disabilities for Young Readers
A gallery of photographs exploring disability and sexuality (NSFW)
Hospice helped dying man lose his virginity
In My Language, a woman with autism explains her usage of language. Her blog. The creator of the video showed up on the Metafilter thread discussing it, with many illuminating comments
Dr. Temple Grandin, a respected animal behaviorist who has autism
The Seeing Tongue
List of people with disabilities
A blog by the parents of Ashley X, an adolescent girl with severe disabilities. Ashley's parents chose to chemically and surgically freeze her physical development, a decision that has sparked controversy in the disability community
This is another post that I am “co-blogging”, this time with Mark Siegel, a Minneapolis attorney & frustrated fiction writer who blogs at The 19th Floor, and who provided most of today’s links. Thank you, Mark! If other bloggers are interested to share the forum here on any other topic, please contact me for details.
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January 30, 2007 in Co-blogged with | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
January 29, 2007
Extreme cable Fantasticable
Fantasticable is a ride in Chatel, France. Travel at speeds of up to 120km/h for over 1km. Here’s the YouTube video. (I want! From Lancelord. If you go there, you can rent an apartment “for a wonderfully quiet and peaceful French summer or ski holiday near the Swiss Lakes”
Girl in Human Sling Shot
French Catapult Launch
Human slingshot machine, patent No. 5421783. Issue date: Jun 6, 1995
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January 29, 2007 in Extreme Sports | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Zabriskie Point from Space
Heading up to the Cheep Beer Mine, you've got to be good and drunk to drive this road. The Cheap Beer Mine is named after a Fine American Beer, so sit back grab a beer, and......... (From a wonderful site called Ghost Town Explorers)
Death Valley from space. (Click on corner to biggify)
Detailed descriptions of all California state highways on Wikipedia
Silicon Valley by Gérard Pétremand
Photos of San Jose, CA in 1977 and 2006
Unrelated: Enter your birth date and then scroll down for fun statistics
By the way, it seems that YahooMail does not deliver all emails sent to me, so if you’ve sent me an email recently and did not receive an answer, please re-send it; I probably did not get it.
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January 29, 2007 in California | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Next stop, Cambodia
A peck of lions in the Baghdad zoo are being fed on two live donkeys, to the cheers of spectators. (Warning: Gruesome if you don’t like to see donkeys eaten by lions / OK if you think War is tough, man, the lions have to eat too)
Tintin in Iraq - A parody, based on the original Tintin albums created by Hergé. This spoof uses images from different Tintin albums with adapted balloons, creating a completely new story about the war in Iraq. (In French. From Frog Smoke)
People Who Mattered In 2006, according to Time Magazine: Amina Sabah Shaab
Photos from Iraq by Mike Ferner
Stop Him Before He Kills Again. Bush has accomplished what Osama bin Laden only dreamed of by disgracing the model of American democracy in the eyes of the world
Did We Just Declare War on Iran?
Hail to The commander in chief - At Ease, Mr. President
"Decent interval" Redux - How to win the next election, not the war
The True Cost Of War
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January 29, 2007 in War in Iraq | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Dancing video
Matt ("Where the Hell is Matt?") Harding was invited to Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont to speak about the dancing video and how it was made. Here is the talk in 3 parts
Drumhead tensioning device and method, invented by Marlon Brando. 19 other patents by celebrities not usually known for being inventors
The Einstein refrigerator is a type of refrigerator co-invented in 1926 by Albert Einstein and former student Leó Szilárd, who were awarded U.S. Patent 1,781,541
James Brown's Celebrity Hot Tub
Distortrait where celebrities come daily for a makeover
Buckaroo Banzai is a UCLA professor and that he's working toward a PhD in Italian Renaissance art history
The Forbes Web Celeb 25
(Is there anybody out there?...)
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January 29, 2007 in Celebrities | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack
January 28, 2007
FSM Candy
Macarons in Paris, lots of them
Flying Spaghetti Monster Candy
Japanese I ♥ Men Candy (For BM & RL….)
Map of India stitched from tea bags, made by Susan Stockwell
Cake printer with error messages
What I Did Over Christmas Vacation: This past Christmas Vacation my brothers, sister, myself and my girlfriend built a scale replica of the battle of Helms Deep, from the second book of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Two Towers penned by the late, great, J.R.R. Tolkien
/// Add it to your del.icio.us /// A Huge Depository of Unusual Sweets and Unusual Chocolates Here
January 28, 2007 in Food - Desserts | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
9/11 every day
“Semi-Annual after-Christmas Sale” and other delightful Classified Ads
In an attempt to break through to consumers, advertisers have started to migrate from traditional media to almost anywhere outside the home with a little blank space. (NY Times slide show)
Corporate World Web 2.0 Logo redesign
Every ad in Times Square
More realistic looking ads
Cool Ads # 2
Unrelated item: I can’t figure out what is behind the Stolen ID Search website. It doesn’t show on Technorati as of now, and it doesn’t feel right to me. Your thoughts?...
Re-post: Icon War
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January 28, 2007 in Advertising | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
January 27, 2007
Please Hear My Prayer
Dear Jesus, Please Hear My Prayer. I want to believe in you and your miraculous powers, I really do. I was raised in a devout Catholic home, and as long as I remember have been hearing about your divine nature and limitless compassion. You turned water into wine, healed lepers, and even raised the dead. I know you have boundless abilities. I also know that your compassion compels you to assist those who suffer, and to hear their agonized prayers...
The Lord Is My Shepherd, He Keepeth Me in Low, Everyday Prices
$28,000 is a lot of money for a grilled cheese sandwich. So make your own Jesus on toast
Religious Ties. (From Information Junk)
If Jesus returns tonight, who will feed your pets tomorrow?
Mapping New Testament Social Networks
Japanese name pink liquor after Christ's miracle
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January 27, 2007 in Jesus | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
The Road to Utopia
"Dick Durbin went to the floor of the Senate on Thursday night to denounce the vice president as “delusional.”
It was shocking, and Senator Durbin should be ashamed of himself.
Delusional is far too mild a word to describe Dick Cheney. Delusional doesn’t begin to capture the profound, transcendental one-flew-over daftness of the man.
Has anyone in the history of the United States ever been so singularly wrong and misguided about such phenomenally important events and continued to insist he’s right in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary?
It requires an exquisite kind of lunacy to spend hundreds of billions destroying America’s reputation in the world, exhausting the U.S. military, failing to catch Osama, enhancing Iran’s power in the Middle East and sending American kids to train and arm Iraqi forces so they can work against American interests.
Only someone with an inspired alienation from reality could, under the guise of exorcising the trauma of Vietnam, replicate the trauma of Vietnam.
You must have a real talent for derangement to stay wrong every step of the way, to remain in complete denial about Iraq’s civil war, to have a total misunderstanding of Arab culture, to be completely oblivious to the American mood and to be absolutely blind to how democracy works..."
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Rating the videos of Clinton, Obama, Richardson when they announced their running in ‘08
(Hitcher pix above from Stencil Revolution)
/// Add it to your del.icio.us /// More about the 2008 Election. Also, the 2004 election and other Political Posts Here
January 27, 2007 in 2008 US Election | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
The magic of a Harley gathering
2 pages of Harley Couture
How Harley Motorcycles Are Made (and 60 other videos of Cool Stuff Being Made at the National Association of Manufacturers website)
circular bike. Nine salvaged bikes were reassembled into a carousel formation. The bike is modular and can be dismantled and reassembled. It is normally left in public places where it can attract a variety of riders. Also by Robert Wechsler: A penny as a manhole cover
Transparent chopper: My brother, Joe Stanaway unveiling his hand-blown glass motorcycle masterpiece ‘The Glass Ride’
By the way, after 4 or 5 years of usage, I forgot to renew the initial domain name with which I started this blog, The Great Team. If you are still linking to the original re-direct, please switch your Growabrain linkage to here. Thank you, The Management
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January 27, 2007 in Harley-Davidson | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
January 26, 2007
The Sinatra Doctrine
18 April 1985 concert at Tokyo's Budokan Hall - Ruck be a Rady Tonight
Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin Together
Sinatra with Groucho Marx sing “It’s only money”
Many more Sinatra videos
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January 26, 2007 in Music - Frank Sinatra | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack