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January 17, 2007


Chocolate_mouth When searching for the perfect souvenir, what, I ask you, could be better than chocolate covered kimchi ?

Mahjong Chocolates

A chocolate Christmas tree - only $138

Hemingway's, a chocolate joint in Florence, Italy, where Cory Doctorow found God in a cup of chocolate

Building a life-size chocolate igloo with Perugia chocolate bricks

Theobromine T-shirt

NōKA chocolate sells the most expensive chocolates in the world , for up to $2,080 per pound. Dallas Food has just completed a in-depth expose of their product claims - What's NōKA Worth? After being exposed all over the net, here’s the statement from the president of NōKA Chocolate

(No time to blog tonight. Sorry.)

/// Add it to your del.icio.us /// A Huge Depository of Unusual Chocolates and Unusual Desserts Links Here

January 17, 2007 in Food - Chocolate | Permalink


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