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December 31, 2006
Happy 007 to all
The World Hello Day Letters. November 21, 2006 was the 34th annual World Hello Day. Anyone can participate in World Hello Day simply by greeting ten people
Eliminating hunger and Defending the First Amendment by scraping it; Top 10 Orwellian Moments of 2006
Milwaukee’s Wagner company makes Festivus poles, the only decoration required to adequately observe the holiday. All about Festivus
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December 31, 2006 in Holidays | Permalink
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wow, this is an old post - but I had to share this info for those of you who run across this. There's a great website by PropertyMaps that lists properties on the MLS with pictures and Google Mapping tools. It's been a great help.
Posted by: shell smith at Jun 23, 2008 3:45:48 PM