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November 02, 2006
Descent Into Alzheimer’s
Americans in Paris, 1860–1900
Self-Portraits Chronicle a Descent Into Alzheimer’s. When he learned in 1995 that he had Alzheimer’s disease, William Utermohlen, an American artist in London, responded in characteristic fashion. From that moment on, he began to try to understand it by painting himself. More artwork created by people with Alzheimer's
Hallucci. (From Mira y Calla)
In 1995 I made a really unconventional discovery: Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian man is a rekursive geometrical algorithm for the approximation of the squaring of the circle!
Lauren Porter’s Knitted art
zy'-mo-glyph'-ic, adj. [Gr. zyme leaven + Gr. glyphe carving]
1. Of, or pertaining to, images of fermentation, specifically the solid residue of creative fermentation on natural objects.
2. The collection and arrangement of objects, primarily either natural or weathered by natural forces, for poetic effect.
The world's only repository for the study and display of Zymoglyphic art, artifacts, and natural history
Pawlick - Art made from dry dog food (Must be a re-post)
Another re-post: Phillip Blackman’s Biro Art Gallery
Written on the city graffiti project. (Thank you, Axel)
By the way, guess what Bill Maher dressed up as for Halloween
(Pix above from All things beautiful)
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November 2, 2006 in Modern Art | Permalink
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I love the picture, it has something dramatic
Posted by: Carla at Dec 14, 2006 1:07:20 PM
Greta image...bit confused though who is it by?
Posted by: Tara Wilkinson at Aug 20, 2007 9:03:39 AM