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October 10, 2006

Is there a sign in front of my house that says "Dead Republican Storage"?

True_romance_poster The never-before-seen true story of the Dick Cheney hunting accident done up in the style of Pulp Fiction - Sitting Duck (With Governor Wolf!)

The Safari Inn, 1911 Olive Boulevard, in Burbank, where parts of “True Romance” was filmed. What part you’re asking? The Patricia Arquette / James Gandolfini love scene

This is what the beginning of Pulp Fiction sounds like, when it's played using a hard drive as a speaker. (From Link Bunnies)

Today on the veg...Reservoir Things

Some “Grind House” Set Pictures

Tarantino Rumors at “Everything Tarantino”

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October 10, 2006 in Cinema - "Pulp Fiction" | Permalink


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