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October 27, 2006
Things I never meant nor wished to say
Andy Warhol's Dylan screen test. (No sound)
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer’s Bob Dylan Imitation Contest
Blowing the candles on a Birthday cake
Like a Rolling Stone cover by Jimi Hendrix
Based on the idea of “Six Degrees of Separation,” find the quickest route connecting Bob Dylan to various well-known people. How do you get from yourself to Bob Dylan?
The Times They Are A-Changin - Now On Broadway – Yuck!!
10/29/06 update: The critics agree - Bob Dylan on Broadway is an aesthetic car crash
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October 27, 2006 in Music - Bob Dylan | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Different planets
You’re tall or small - I like you
You’re fat or thin - I like you
You’re rich or poor - I like you
(Warning: Earworm!)
If you spank the gay out of your kids, you might let the crazy in. (It cannot be real, can it?)
A recent report revealed that Sweden is the best place in the world to give birth, and Niger the worst
Everything You Don't Want to Know About Your Kid’s Sex Life: The 100-teen-vs.-100-parent promiscuity poll
Pee & Poo - Plush toys and Kids clothing
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October 27, 2006 in Kids | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Human Swastika
Josef Blösche was a Nazi war criminal who held the rank of SS-Rottenführer. Born in Friedland in Austria-Hungary, Blösche began his life working as a farmhand and a waiter at his father's hotel. After Nazi Germany took over the Sudetenland, Blösche became a willing servant of the regime.
In September 1941, he began serving as a guard at the Warsaw Ghetto and was in charge of the wooden bridge between Warsaw and the ghetto. He became known as "Frankenstein" for his monstrous behavior. Here he is on the right of this famous photograph...
Nazi Croats form Human Swastika, October 2006. Previous one, 1933
Home movies made by Nazi officers in the 1940s have been found in a church in rural Devon.
The films show members of the SS running a slave labor camp in southern Russia
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October 27, 2006 in The Holocaust | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Waiting to Inhale
Welcome to Riverside County - We're #1 Dirtiest Air in the Nation. Deadly Health Impacts. Ask Before You Buy
Victoria Avenue Citrus Association, c. 1920. Many other apple crate label art. Victoria Ave. is one block away from my house. Here is what it looks like today, still beautiful, in a different way
Zip Code Stats - 92506 (And any other in the US)
The only Samadhi Floatation Tank in The Inland Empire
Big fire in Cabazon today, 4 firefighters dead
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October 27, 2006 in Riverside & Corona - California | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
October 26, 2006
The crochet lawn
Jane Bolsover’s knitted garden
Fun with Treadmills. (GooTube)
For all you trash cans needs, Trash Cans & More
Handy Japanese reading stand
IQ Light is a self assembly lighting system made up of interlocking quadrilaterals
The Coffin Kitchen. (thank you, Raluca)
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October 26, 2006 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Global Century Investments
* We're entering the fourth year of a down stock market. Is it time to sell yet?
* Have we hit bottom yet?
* What can you tell small investors who are really starting to worry?
Straight Talk About Today's Markets
The Johnny Cash Prepaid Card is among the first celebrity-branded debit card programs to be launched. "We are excited to bring the legend of Johnny Cash to our card product line and believe that this marks another milestone in the prepaid card industry"
If you're interested in getting rich, I'm going to give you the simplest formula for doing so. In fact, if you follow it you're virtually guaranteed to build enough wealth to get you into the top 5% of society. The easiest way to get rich
Kazakh Bank Gets Its Own Name Wrong
(Pix above from ViceLand)
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October 26, 2006 in Money & Finances | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
October 25, 2006
gifs & jpgs X4
(Click on each photograph to enjoy full size if so desired)
(Shark pix taken by my cousin sammy who is still sailing around the world)
Stephen Hawkings with first wife
Similar collection Here and Here
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October 25, 2006 in Gifs and pix | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack
October 24, 2006
Happy Loving Day
On June 12th, 1967, interracial couples became legal thanks to the Supreme Court decision entitled Loving v. Virginia. Before that date, states had the right to separate and punish interracial couples. These punishments included imprisonment of up to ten years. Violations included marriage, sex, and living together. This issue is a part of the civil rights movement that is too often forgotten. On June 12th of every year, celebrate your legal right to love a person of any race
Only so many days / hours / minutes / second to Christmas!
Paying tribute to the nation's Jewish heritage during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Why Dogs Hate Halloween. Also, Halloween custom for a turtle
Re-post: 300 love letters
God bless you for the beautiful radio I won
(Famous photograph above by Ralph M. Hattersley, Jr.)
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October 24, 2006 in Holidays | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
McConnell's Pork Barrel
At Mantra, hyped as the world's first ayurvedic restaurant, you don't order. The waiter looks you over and tells you what you're having
McCain, Feingold Co-Sponsor Chain Of Integrity-Themed Eateries
Waiters at a new Chinese Noodle house must wear noodle style hair
“The most dangerous species of owner is the one who gets into the business for love.” The economics behind an independt coffee shop
La Coupole, 102 boulevard Montparnasse
All patrons of the Hypnosis Restaurant would agree to be hypnotized before dining. Obviously this would make the food taste better and the service would appear spectacular. The hypnosis would all be above board and voluntary. And for liability reasons the restaurant would record everything that happens with security cameras and get signed releases
Re-post: 300 love letters
God bless you for the beautiful radio I won
/// Add it to your del.icio.us /// A Huge Depository of Unusual Bars and Restaurants Here
October 24, 2006 in Food - Restaurants & Bars | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
October 23, 2006
Sprint Feet
In most respects, he’s your typical triathlete. But Scott Rigsby has higher motivations than just winning medals, reaching personal goals, and enjoying the triathlon lifestyle. He is looking to do what no one else ever has done, and in the process, pave the way for others to follow. The 38-year-old Georgia native has already knocked down one wall, becoming the first double leg amputee to complete an Olympic distance triathlon while running on prosthetics. Next on the list is a Half Ironman in October, and the ultimate, a full Ironman next June. (From Stuart Hughes)
Cave diving in Florida (Many with photos). Platform Diving from b3ta
The Nutty Buddy is a revolutionary athletic cup designed by a pro baseball player for superior protection of your most valuable assets. The Nutty Buddy is stronger, more comfortable and more protective for athletes in any sport. (Click to play video)
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October 23, 2006 in Extreme Sports | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
There but for the grace of God
10/24/06 update: It seems that both polls disappeared from the face of the earth. Too bad! There were about 300 surprising results last I looked.
The Cached version:
You stop your shiny car at a Freeway ramp. A disheveled, sickly-looking old man in a broken wheelchair holds a piece of cardboard in his lap and sadly looks you straight in the eye. Do you?
- Turn your gaze to the other side and wait for the light to change, as you discretely lock the car doors
- Mumble thru the rolled-up window that you are sorry
- Search for some coins inside the cup holder
- Give him a few dollars
- Say a little prayer as you drive away
- Curse a cruel God
- Swear at a heartless system that allows its weakest members to go hungry
- Hope that you will not end up on the same spot when you are his age
- Anything else?
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October 23, 2006 in Polls | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack
October 22, 2006
Bering Sea Crabbing
Welcome to the photography portfolios of Corey Arnold - The codfish will show you the way
Time lapse movie by Heroda
Re-post: Margi Geerlink's photographs
Did you know that wikipedia has a Picture of the day feature? No? Well, here you go
Photographer Danny Goldfield is taking a photograph of a child from every country in the world, and all within the boundaries of New York City - NY Children. The video. (Thank you, Joe)
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October 22, 2006 in Photography | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Worst movie of the year award
Last night I went to see a new movie. Usually, I try not to bring up negative experiences, but this movie was so terrible, that I feel I have to “go public” with it. Actually, I would go so far as to say that this was the worst movie I ever saw...
When I studied cinema in the early eighties, I kept a log of all the movies I watched. During that time I would see over 500 movies a year. But in recent times, I go to the cinema very seldom, maybe once every 4-5 months. (Living in Riverside doesn’t help, being that the city has 3-4 multiplexes which only play the latest Hollywood hits.) One or two more viewing of crap like this, and I’m going to stop going out all together.
Anyway, Barry Levinson directed a few good movies (Diner, Tin Men, Rain man) in the past. Robin Williams was mildly entertaining when he was younger (Cadillac Man and The Fisher King come to mind), and Lewis Black seems to be kind of funny when you watch his spasmodic rants on that Jon Stewart Show. I even linked to the trailer of this movie a couple of months ago, because it kind of looked interesting. What a let down! If you were thinking of spending $10 to see this trite pseudo-political pretense of a movie, please do not. Repeat: Please do not go & see this piece of trash.
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October 22, 2006 in Cinema | Permalink | Comments (8) | TrackBack
Must Love Jaws
The Movie Jaws On Different TV Channels, by Tom McMahon:
• Lifetime: The shark only attacks women.
• Spike: Shark only attacks topless women who have just gone for a swim in the ocean to clean off after mud wrestling.
• CNN: Billions For Iraq, Why No Money For Shark Defense?
• Fox News Channel: Bill O'Reilly complains that the shark won't come on the No Spin Zone.
• Many more.
27 Great White Sharks VS whale carcass
Two men, one shark, lot's of love - Must Love Jaws
/// Add it to your del.icio.us /// A Huge Depository of Links About Spielberg’s “Jaws”, about Coppola’s Godfather and about Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction” Here
October 22, 2006 in Cinema - "Jaws" | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 21, 2006
Dog bloopers
A hawk eating a small creature
Pictures of geckos eating jam
Who Let The Dogs Out? (Thank you, Dafna)
Velociraptor attack is the 3rd leading cause of death for men age 27-29. However, everyone must think about the implications of velociraptors: young and old, men, women and trans-gendered persons. The American Society for Velociraptor Attack Prevention is a bi-partisan group of professionals, dedicated to the diffusion of knowledge concerning velociraptor attack prevention
Cat Vs. Evil HP printer. A Close up of a cat's tongue
How to catch a greased pig. Pigs are not naturally greasy, but some fairs and carnivals in Iberia make them so for the sake of competition. The following technique was tried and tested at such an event. (From The spectacularly obtuse blog)
Stuffed animals by Natasha Fadeeva
Molly and JB visit the town of Artesina in Piemonte and see the pink bunny installation by the art collective Gelatin
Also, the only thing real at
Phony.com are his binges... (?)
(Please click on pix of lizard above to biggify).
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October 21, 2006 in Animals | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack