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October 17, 2006

Crazy Mennonites

Amish_paradise Men's Adventure Magazine Covers, by Norman Saunders (Who also illustrated these 1966 Frankenstein Valentine Stickers)

The Daily Titan has been the student newspaper at Cal State Fullerton for more than 35 years. 1970 technology in the newsroom

Today's front pages

Losing Afghanistan (in every edition but the US). Global Warming’s first victim

Roz Chast was telling Steve Martin in this delightful interview that she used to subscribe to a “Snack Food magazine” in order to get ideas for her illustrations, so I was curious to find out which one it was. Was it SnackFood & WholeSale Bakery or Prepared Foods, Food Processing or perhaps ”The Nibble”?... There are just so many of them…

Weekly Amish newspaper Die Botschaft focuses on community news, "might mention" murders.

It's hard work and sacrifice Living in an Amish paradise

What Right Wingers See When They Read the New York Times

Un-related: Zoooooooooom

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October 17, 2006 in Newspaper & Magazines | Permalink


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How could you have missed http://www.electricamish.com/music.html

Posted by: Guy at Oct 17, 2006 6:35:46 PM

That 70's newsroom kind of reminds me of a modern real estate office.

Posted by: teresa boardman at Oct 18, 2006 2:24:00 PM