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August 08, 2006
Do you have to use so many cusswords?
"I had no idea there were so many Big Lebowski mash-ups lurking out there on the Web, but a few intimate moments with YouTube have corrected my ignorance. A number of people have taken various animated icons, opened up their adorable little throats, and shoved the profane words of the movie's characters right in there."
The Ponies from My Little Pony talk Lebowski to each other
More on Lore Sjöberg’s Wired blog
The short version of The Big Lebowski without all the verbal acuities – NSFW
Lebowski Lexicon. A Dictionary of Dudeisms, Walturns of phrase and Donnidioms. The parlance of our times. Intended as your answer for everything. Tattoo them on your forehead
Help me find the sandals worn in The Big Lebowski
Todd Alcott - What does the protagonist want?
Many Unusual Big Lebowski Links Here /// Digg this post /// Add it to your del.icio.us
August 8, 2006 in Cinema - "The Big Lebowski" | Permalink
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Thanks for the Big Lebowski references and links.
It's a wild and crazy movie, but I do enjoy it.
Posted by: Charlie Ptacek at Aug 8, 2006 11:27:09 PM
I think that I like the movie more each time I see it. The first time, I only thought it was okay.
Posted by: Shoebuy.com Coupons Chick at Mar 9, 2009 2:18:18 PM