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August 29, 2006
Alternative to Chess
Cirondo - The depth of chess - with the simplicity of draughts. (From Blagman)
Cruel Toys by Jim Woodring
Tupper Diva's Vintage Tupperware Collection
Shithead (also known as you, and everyone else you know, Burn, Cheat, Danish Bastard, Asshole, Dogmeat, Shed, Palace, Loser, Shitboots, Idiot, Karma, Shaffat, Noteuker and CFUCG) is a card game in which the aim is to lose all of one's cards
Kaleidoscope patterns with poems. (From MonkeyFilter)
Venice in Lego. Also, a gallery of New York scenes constructed from Lego
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August 29, 2006 in Games | Permalink
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