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July 03, 2006
(Time for the Obligatory Near-Annual Firework Post)
Chinese New Year in Shanghai is crazy. I have to imagine there is nothing quite like it in the world. It is loud, chaotic, beautiful, violent, smokey, exhilarating, drunken, dangerous and red. (With videos of “Chinese” fireworks)
ScriptMaker 2000, the choreography software of choice for fireworks professionals the world over
Fireworks Safety: Do not duct tape fireworks to your groin. (Like this guy did)
I fell into a burning wheel of fire. More Home Made Fireworks
Two From Fazed: 16,000 Firecrackers and 45,000 Bottle Rockets (YouTube)
What do Ron Kovic, Ann Landers, Gina Lollobrigida and Calvin Coolidge have in common? They were all Born on the 4th of July. Here is the complete list
Many More Unusual Fireworks Links Here /// Digg this post /// Add it to your del.icio.us
July 3, 2006 in Fireworks | Permalink
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