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June 25, 2006
What is a doohickey?
Approaching stars and Spinning 3D blocks. (Both from Ochblog)
You are invited to colorize your brain to the new flash movie by Larry Carlson- "SEE YOU ON THE FLIPSIDE"
Color Girl - Black and white artwork coloured in Photoshop. And BigBug. Eye irritainment. An endless cycle
Elephants Dream - A computer-generated movie made using open source applications
Ten Ways to Interact with Getty Images
A large Collection of Digital Eye Candy Here /// Digg this post /// Add it to your del.icio.us
June 25, 2006 in Digital Art | Permalink
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» Photoshop Art from Bits
Link: growabrain: What is a doohickey. Watching this picture being turned into a work of art in Photoshop is cool. Be sure and catch all of the steps that were done - there are a [Read More]
Tracked on Jun 26, 2006 8:36:22 AM