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June 28, 2006

Eleven sombreros

Eleven_sombreros I have eleven sombreros. Besides throwing a sombrero party, what are some useful, interesting or bizarre things to do with said sombreros?

Here is another example of why I’m fascinated by AskMeFi: It only took 13 minutes for someone to answer this question correctly…

How do Ouija boards work?

A photo of Mass wedding from an interesting discussion: Are we getting lonelier?

What is the most important thing your father ever taught you, either explicitly or through example?

I would like to stop faking orgasms. “Help me survive the break-up of a 5 year relationship.” How do I become a Chinese citizen again? “Did I inadvertently commit mail fraud?” A total of 1,000 Anonymous AskMeFi questions

“I'm thinking of killing my fat friend by running her over with an SUV full of meat while listening to Creed. When's the best time of day, do you think?” - If you wanted to post an Ask Metafilter question that would generate a lot of controversy, a flamewar, or just incredulity, what would you post?

My Dinner With Jack Abramoff, by Mefi member Mark Hemingway

Sombrero cookies above from “Diane's Cakes and More”. More of The Best of Metafilter Here /// Digg this post /// Add it to your del.icio.us

June 28, 2006 in Best of Metafilter | Permalink


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Yeah, an amazing amount of questions to AskMeFi in what seems a very, very short time. An intense resource for sure: you could spend a month just reading through it. Good for matthowie (and jessadmin, of course). :-)

Posted by: Patrick at Jun 28, 2006 3:05:06 AM

I would post something really far left wing, while taking a stab at the current prsidential administration; and watch a flamewar erupt over the war, and for sure your gonna get death threats if you call the troops "baby killers" and stuff.. Oh way, just wait for that hate mail to come in. However, it's a sad state of affairs when you can't voice an opinion without others wanting to lynch you for it.

Posted by: OpenMLS at Jun 28, 2006 5:48:46 PM