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June 13, 2006
Odd objects gallery
Best place to purchase gavels. Gavels make a great gift for the chairman of the board, president, lawyer, judge, scholar or auctioneer. Gavels are fun for anyone to have on the desk -- everyone is naturally drawn to hold and hammer
From the same store: Puss in Boots (?)
Welcome to the home of Zim’s Crack Creme. Please browse our site for information about our family of products and the history of Zim’s Crack Creme. And don’t forget to visit our online store
The Life lessons figurines from TLC. Collect them all
Oldenburg Pretzel and many other products at Salvor Kiosk
Too Hot For Ebay! Unicorn Turds
Grass centered table and other odd objects from Biggles
Tribal Techno-Fetish Wands and miniwands by Mark Crummett
Many More Unusual Things To Buy Here /// Digg this post /// Add it to your del.icio.us
June 13, 2006 in Shopping | Permalink
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