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May 19, 2006

In search of the perfect shave

Shaving_mug_2 I just wanted a good shave. Corey Greenberg did a TV Show about the lost art of wet-shaving, and how old-school razors, badger hair shaving brushes, and high-end English shaving creams bring back the pleasant, gentlemanly ritual of hot lather. Background

Garage Sale Live Blogging. I bet this is a post you never thought you’d see. Oh well, I’m stuck here manning the garage sale, so might as well take advantage of the wireless router, eh?

Australian cigarette warnings. After March 1, 2006, cigarettes sold in Australia must be packaged with the following health warnings. The warnings must cover 30% of the front and 90% of the back of the cigarette package

The Wal-Mart Game. The game requires two or more players. All players enter a Wal-Mart store equipped with pen or pencil and a copy of the checklist below. Players have a pre-determined amount of time, I suggest thirty minutes, to walk around the store observing the customers and employees, and checking off their many defects and afflictions. The most "hits" in the allotted time wins. Good luck. Also, The Diffusion of Wal-Mart and Economies of Density

Buy some authentic djembe drums from the Gold Coast

Flat-D Flatulence filter. Our Chair Pad is NOT a thick cushion that uses the old type granular charcoal imbedded in a poly-foam padding. THAT IS OLD TECHNOLOGY! NOT VERY EFFECTIVE!

History of Appliance Innovation

Tom Mcmahon’s Gift Ideas

By the way, I should be getting cable at home tomorrow, and if I do, live blogging will resume soon. Many More Unusual Things To Buy Here

May 19, 2006 in Shopping | Permalink


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