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May 13, 2006

Why paint a fence when you can get your friends to do it for you for free?

Color_mix Jason Nelson’s interactive Uncontrollable Semantics

meditation flowers from Ze Frank

Luke Brown’s Spectral eyes, a visionary landscape of beauty and wonder

Whitney Music Box by Krazy Dad

Color of Sound is the mixing of the senses. Those affected by it hear colors, see sounds, and taste tactile sensations. When the two senses involved are sound and color, this phenomenon is no longer limited to synaesthetes: anyone, given a sound and time for contemplation, can ascribe color to that sound

8-bit Awesomeness

A large Collection of Digital Eye Candy Here

May 13, 2006 in Digital Art | Permalink


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Thanks for this collection, Hanan. One of my favorite categories!

Posted by: pam at May 14, 2006 9:17:51 AM