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May 28, 2006
What kind of blog reader are you?
Let's Buy Us A Damn Webby. “We'd like to congratulate the winners on being successful enough to have the dough to enter the competition. What can we say? We prefer recognition when it's not pay-for-play, and we'd way rather spend that $245 on beer.”
Sorry I can't blog anymore now that I'm married; my husband doesn't allow it: A nice excuse to stop blogging
Gimme Your Stuff, the cultural exchange blog where you can swap items of significance to your area with items from others around the world
Blogs with a face. “A site matching blogger visages/symbols to their individual URLs and grouping the images into a (presumably) ever-growing collage”
Today’s “Blog Of The Day” is Ambrel, the online home of Nikola Tamindzic, nightlife photographer/provocateur. Many More Unusual blogs Here
May 28, 2006 in World of Blogging | Permalink
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I probably qualify as an anti-blogger, but I don't think that every other blogger is an asshole...just everyone who doesn't link to me...;-)
Posted by: MrBaliHai at May 29, 2006 1:29:43 PM
i am anti everything but there are better bloggers then me or gab..
and the 245 dollar fee for a webbie is hilarious!
hope y yankeenoodles still having fun. and may god bless yr sinns and party till yr pants drop.
Posted by: Hemaworstje at May 29, 2006 4:47:58 PM