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April 29, 2006

Loss of natural teeth

Standard_oil_of_indiana Belt Buckles of the Old West

Zacarias Moussaoui's INS arrest photo and all public exhibits from the Moussaoui trial documents. (Thank you, Avi Solomon)

Outtakes - Remote villages in the New England countryside

Whatever Happened to Standard Oil? A History of the Standard Oil Company

Facsimile of Walt Whitman's 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass

Motorcycling from California to the East Coast and back

Comparative chart of Oral health in all 50 states

Jim Pendleton's Barnhouse is no more. One of Owen County's more unusual landmarks has been reduced to ashes.The five-story, 70-foot-tall Barn House, on County Road 850 West just off Ind. 46, burned to the ground

Vote for Kinky. Thank you, Derek

By the way, if you read this now, that means that I don’t have internet access at my new home. This post have been pre-blogged for your enjoyment.. Many More Unusual Stories about America Here

April 29, 2006 in Americana | Permalink


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I live in North Carolina and I find it more than baffling to see the way people treat their teeth here. The most baffling behavior is of course the chewing tobacco. It stains your teeth , rots your gums and makes the teeth fall out. Why do they do it generation after generation? Who knows? I'll stick with 6 month dental checkups and daily brushing.

Posted by: fritz at Apr 29, 2006 8:43:52 PM

Outtakes is a wonderful site Hanan. Thanks for that link. I have spent far too long exploring the rest of the photos on that site this weekend... what a lovely journey though. The pictures of birds are the best I've ever seen.

Posted by: Julie at May 1, 2006 5:23:55 AM

I don't know why, but the oral health chart is just hilarious to me, especially when West Virginia has TWICE the national average of lost teeth.

Posted by: beajerry at May 2, 2006 7:44:30 AM