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April 07, 2006
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Acid Test Graduation Diploma and some other pix from the original Acid Tests
Valium and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - The spot paintings of Damien Hirst
Penicillin, Silly Putty, Viagra, LSD, and the rest of The Top 10 Accidental Discoveries
Everybody knows that Francis Crick was high on LSD when he discovered the secret of life
Virtual Drug Dealer - The game
The broken sign of Hillsdale Mall
The Faces of Meth
The strange case of the man who took 40,000 ecstasy pills in nine years
Walter Cronkite Is Telling the Truth About the War on Drugs
I am away at the moment hosting my sisters around. This post had been pre-blogged for your enjoyment. More about any kind of illegal drugs especially Acid and marijuana Here
April 7, 2006 in Drugs - Timothy Leary | Permalink
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