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April 19, 2006

”The farmer will take you home”…

Shawarma Bizarro’s Animal Cartoons. Why is Bizarro vegan? Find out inside

Mr. Meat Man, Tell me what I should buy – Meat Art from John Wolfer

Bovine Unite

Designer Cow and other weirdo e-cards

Hungarian Meat Center in Manhattan

The slaughter house was in operation between the 1920s and the early 1990s. In most ways it was a good example of how Swedish agricultural policies worked. Other abandoned places in Sweden photographed by Dr. Jan Jörnmark

“You may be wondering…..exactly what a vegetarian is.” Early 1980's documentary on vegetarianism hosted by William Shatner

Carambola Fruit and other photographs from Brazil by Alex Uchoa

Semi-funny Jeff Foxworthy Jerky products

I should be back tomorrow after hosting my sisters around. This post had been pre-blogged for your enjoyment. Many More Unusual Vegetarians and Meat Eaters Here

April 19, 2006 in Food - Meat & Vegetables | Permalink


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the meat above is called "doner". Doner is kinda Turkish fast food, it is served between bread with chips,pickle,tomatos etc. The meat can belong to a cow as well as a chicken. Meat is cutted as the picture indicates with a long, sharp knife. just wanna say that.

Posted by: senay izne ayrildi at Apr 20, 2006 2:23:46 PM