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April 23, 2006
How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away?
Water drums Baka Beyond Rhythm Tree. (Site designed by JohnJohn). More at Baka Beyond, The original African Celtic crossover band
The Led Zeppelin stamp collection, and other Worth 1000’s Going Postal creations, including these Jackass stamps
From Cuba, The Los Zafiros Buena Vista 2
Total Eclipse of the Heart, as performed by the two upside chins of Dustin & Terrance. Other singers that have been caught lip-synching
Follow up to the previously-blogged Pipe Dreams: The complete collection of Animusic computer annimations
If I Had Shot You When I First Wanted To, I'd Be Out Of Prison By Now, and some other Country & Western Song titles
Three threads from Metafilter: An interactive Shockwave-based look at Bach's Well-tempered Clavier
148 different versions of Henry Mancini’s Moon River
Life is Wonderful by the Japanese group Kuzu. Who are they and what are they singing about?
The Concretes In Color (From Fulminatia)
The strange connection between the "Dark Side of the Moon" and "The Wizard of Oz"
Move over Weird Al, here comes Green E - The Environmental Elvis loving momma nature forever
Brainwashed's canonical guide to weird band names
Today’s “Blog of the Day” is Pax Nortona - A Blog by Joel Sax. If you’d like to recommend an excellent, fresh blog for consideration, please email me.
Many More Unusual Musicians and their Music Here
April 23, 2006 in Music_ | Permalink
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Hey Hanan,
Thanks for the link.
Did your sisters have a ton of fun?
I know they did.
You should get your Mom over for a visit.
Posted by: Steel at Apr 23, 2006 3:37:13 PM