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April 17, 2006
Member memory
“MetaFilter, known as MeFi to its members, is a community weblog whose purpose is to share and discuss interesting links…”
"The Skull, the Dream and the Dancer" – One of those famous AskMe questions: Several years ago I saw a poem in a magazine…
Some other famous Q&A: "Could a typical young man, armed only with a knife, (say, six or eight inches long) be trained to consistently "win" fights with a grizzly bear? Assume no element of surprise." Or: "You're in the middle of an arena. You're being attacked by 5 year olds who will stop at nothing to kill you. How many can you take on before they overcome you?"
Should I quit my job and move 1800 miles to be with my dying grandmother?
Suppose you killed somebody... How would you dispose of the body without getting caught? Would you dump it somewhere? Bury it in the backyard or basement? Dissolve it in lime? What? What would your master plan be that would allow you to get away with it?
What is the most romantic marriage proposal you have ever heard of?
My 6-year-old daughter sees things...
Some other interesting musical discussions on AskMe, per Patrick Crosley. Also there, MetaFilter has jumped the shark
Eponysterical MeFi posts and comments are ones which are funny in light of the poster's user name. (A list is maintained by Scarabic)
“Sense of Community Motivates You to Work for Free”, a PBS piece about online moderators
Montreal Expo 1967, through the eyes of Lillian Seymour - One of the "Top ten most voted on projects", for the month of April
Josh Millard’s hastily-composed ditty matthewchen is spamming [mp3] in response to some member’s self-link
Right now there are 35,070 members in MetaFilter. Many members have their own unique personal sites. Which are your favorite less-known ones?
Metafilter pool on flickr
Remixed - A Metafilter-Filter
I am still hosting my sisters around. This post had been pre-blogged for your enjoyment. More of The Best of Metafilter Here
April 17, 2006 in Best of Metafilter | Permalink
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Tracked on May 15, 2006 11:41:02 AM
Now I really am regretting deleting that post. I was nasty about using digaman as an example of political-axe-grinding-filter but my sentiments were honest and it was a cute bit of writing. Ah, well, I've since learned how to make posts "private" rather than deleting them. :-)
Posted by: Patrick at Apr 18, 2006 5:48:27 PM