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March 30, 2006
Manolo for the Men
Weird men’s shoes, handcrafted CYDWOQ. (From blanketfort)
I need my red polyester sequin shoes
Face Hunter, a new blog
Stubbies, Kiwi shorts from ages ago, "back when mullets used to shield their necks from the harsh summer sun"
Hippies Smell and other conservative T-shirts
Welcome to Fez-o-rama. We specialize in the creation of fine Fezzes, jackets and more
John Malkovich is becoming a full-fledged Fashion House
Food scarves from Twinkie’s Fridge
What were they thinking- Wedding-Gowns. (From Cynical-C)
The Bible Belt buckles
Based in New York City, Garde Robe is a full-service wardrobe storage facility providing first-class storage, online closets and an array of services for New Yorkers, travelers and fashion industry professionals. (From BB-blog)
2 from Metafilter: How do I wrap a Tagelmust? and The Original Rhinestone Cowboy
Many More Unusual Fashion Trends Here
March 30, 2006 in Fashion | Permalink
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We offer outerwear from manufacturers like, Kenneth Cole, Cooper and Reed Sportswear, known for their fine quality.mens shoes, mens fashion... [Read More]
Tracked on Apr 27, 2006 6:40:43 PM
Bible Belt Buckles. good one.
Posted by: Will at Mar 30, 2006 2:18:31 AM
That stubbies video is the funniest thing I have seen in a while.
The best part is when the guy puts his foot up on the crate and the girl checks out his package and smiles.
Back when mullets used to shield their necks from the harsh summer sun.
Posted by: Will at Mar 30, 2006 2:22:30 AM
When I met my husband, he was wearing a leisure suit, with a polyester shirt that had large clocks and hourglasses all over it. I (barely) managed to look past all that and fall in love with the misguided personality beneath. But that suit went bye-bye as soon as I got the chance.
Posted by: pam at Mar 30, 2006 9:11:11 AM