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March 04, 2006
First spam email
Dan Rice (1823-1901) - Lincoln's Court Jester, Uncle Sam's model and America's first clown. (From America's First Greats)
What was the world's first spam email? (1978)
The first Astronomy Picture of the Day, June 16, 1995. APOD of yesterday, March 3, 2006. APOD of March 1, 2006: Multiverses: Do Other Universes Exist? By Clifford Pickover. All pictures in the APOD Archive
Six years ago today I posted the following to a group on Usenet: “... Mizzy. I have great respect for the way you live your life. We share so much of what we find important in this world. You are kind, thoughtful, intelligent, loving, and a beautiful soul. My greatest dream would be to spend the rest of my life with you. If I spent hours writing this I could not list all that is great about you. I'll close with words directly from my heart…Will you marry me? “… I have no idea if it was the first first marriage proposal on Usenet, but it was my only one. She said yes. We were married soon after
Many More Unusual ‘First Ever’ Stories Here
March 4, 2006 in First Ever | Permalink
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