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March 26, 2006
Graffiti board
Show off your skills on the enormous circle of potential art known as Drawball. Bob Marley on the Best of Drawball. Wikipedia gives background about the Korean flag in the middle of the ball
“The Persistence of Ignorance” is a gallery of images generated with a Raytracer by Jaime Vives Piqueres
This short description about a teenager’s Breakup ignites buzz about video graphics
Perceptions by Lonny Evica
A large Collection of Digital Eye Candy Here
March 26, 2006 in Digital Art | Permalink
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I just found drawball this afternoon and posted it before my daily grow-a-brain check. Weird. What a great idea. Did you see the Hokusai Wave?
Posted by: Will at Mar 26, 2006 9:48:44 PM