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March 27, 2006

Elements of an Effective Suicide

David_crosby You don't have to live fast or die young to leave an attractive corpse. If you are seriously, sincerely suicidal and want to make a good impression on your way to a better place, Attractive Corpse can help make your final wish a reality

"It's too late. We can't win, they've gotten too powerful." Abbie Hoffman’s Suicide note.

Want to hang yourself?...

The Lego Suicides. Combining a morbid sense of humor and LEGO ® bricks

How NOT to commit suicide. (From a long & intense thread on Metafilter)

Emma Crawford Coffin Race in Manitou Springs, Colorado

Death by car and by fire

Donate a Body for medical research - There's a shortage of cadavers

Autopsy Q & A. Leave questions for Dr. Michael Baden

Laurence Hutton Collection of Life and Death Masks

By the way, my sisters may be coming to visit me next week, and if they do, you’ll find me blogging less for three weeks or so…

Many More Unusual Links About Death and Eternity and about Unusual Coffins & Caskets Here

March 27, 2006 in Death & Eternity | Permalink


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» Coffin Race from Legacy Matters
Her body was carried to the top of Red Mountain by 12 strong men where she was laid to rest. Lars Leber has photographs of how Manitou Springs remembers Emma Crawford with a coffin race. [Read More]

Tracked on Mar 31, 2006 6:08:54 PM

» Life and Death Masks from Legacy Matters
I found the Laurence Hutton Collection of Life and Death Masks at Princeton AMAZING. [Read More]

Tracked on Apr 5, 2006 2:36:46 PM



All this 'suicide' stuff and THEN you mention that your sisters might be visiting?

In the SAME post?

I don't know amigo, but couldn't you put 'em up at a motel or something?

Posted by: Steel at Mar 28, 2006 2:49:25 AM

Not sure if you've seen these two links but I thought they would fit nicely in the Death and Eternity category.

How to Donate Your Body to Science
An interesting idea to further the purposes of science. NO they don't pay for the funeral afterwards.

A reason not to donate your body!
Sometimes the road to hell is paved with good intentions...

Posted by: Jo-Ann Burton at Apr 3, 2006 3:40:30 PM