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March 15, 2006

3-Legged Skater Banned!

Dick_cheney_in_2008 Steve Jobs on Magazine Covers. (From "Media Digest")

Read 250 newspapers from 55 countries in their original format, layout and pagination

I love baseball cards... I love the smell... I love pork too… - An ad for Village Voice dot com classified -

What is it like writing for Weekly World News, the home of Bat Boy Found In Cave!

Black and White and Dead All Over. Somewhere in the forest, a tree is cut down. It is loaded onto a giant truck and hauled a vast distance to a factory, where the trees is turned into huge rolls of paper. These rolls are loaded onto another truck and hauled another vast distance to another factory, where they are covered in ink, chopped up, folded, stacked, tied and loaded onto a third set of trucks, which fan out across cities and regions dropping bundles here and there

A selection of cartoons from the media of seven Arab countries

Many More Unusual Newspapers and Magazines Here

March 15, 2006 in Newspaper & Magazines | Permalink


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» Abraham Lincoln era una mujer from aventuraspez
Weekly World News es un tabloide sensacionalista norteamericano, con titulares del calibre de ¡Donald Rumsfeld es un robot! o Un pavo heroico salva a una familia de seis miembros, requiere cierto talante y/o suspensión de la realidad para poder afr [Read More]

Tracked on Mar 16, 2006 7:30:58 AM


I once interviewed for a job at the law firm that represents the Weekly World News and its sister publication, the National Enquirer. The partner who handles their work told me about some of the interesting libel defense cases he'd done for the Enquirer. I mentioned that I was a big fan of WWN, and asked whether he'd had any memorable cases for them. He said he hadn't, because their stories are so way-out that nobody would sue over them. Needless to say, I didn't get the job.

Posted by: The Continental Op at Mar 15, 2006 4:06:53 PM

Best source for free industry mags I've seen on the net. There's a site most folks don't even know about that can have you conversant on any industry in a month. http://webjutsu.tradepub.com/ check it out. I got 6 free aerospace publications for free. Nice!

Posted by: Glenn at Oct 21, 2008 10:39:44 PM