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January 29, 2006


Roullette_wheel Not Quite Perfect, a beautiful blog by a Kiwi artist, Dzeni. Every day she posts an original, usually-gorgeous image, done with some fancy-shmancy fractal software, as well as a daily Gratitude Item. Best browsed through the archives

Shoes, Domestic Production, 1960-1998 by Jason Salavon. 45sec sample of the 1min 40sec loop. These psychedelic constellations are, in fact, accurate visualizations of statistical data tracking the US domestic production of shoes and slippers from 1960-1998 in 31 categories. (Also by Salavon - "Ever wondered how our tastes in naked women have changed over the decades?")

Mandelbrot Set ASCII art. (From Charlie ‘Vruba’ Loyd)

Repost: Fractal Tic-Tac-Toe: the game. (First blogged here in ‘03)

Many More Unusual Fractal Links Here

January 29, 2006 in Fractals | Permalink


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I love Dzeni's pictures and the idea of the gratitude item. Very nice place to visit and spend some time musing. I enjoyed that a lot.

Posted by: Julie at Jan 30, 2006 11:48:46 AM