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January 30, 2006

Democracy in America

Faded_glory Seattle Waterfront 2002-1907. Two panoramic photographs of the waterfront of Seattle, Washington, taken from the same vantage point - 95 years apart

Squint Eyes, artist and Indian Scout

Charts, diagrams & information graphics from Karl Hartig

Top 100 Lists of cities, including highest income, least crime, newest houses, most females, shortest commute, best educated residents, and many more

Erik Gauger’s Notes from the Road, a project in experimental travel writing

Motel Hell. Tacky and trashy Motel postcards of the 1950's, 60's and 70's

Due to the popularity of "The Smart-Ass Guide to NYC", Dan Meth created this national version of Smart-Ass Guide to the USA

Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville

Stabilized version of the Zapruder film of the Kennedy Assassination. (From Kottke. Slow load)

Many More Unusual Stories about America Here

January 30, 2006 in Americana | Permalink


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