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December 19, 2005
I have to floss my cat
Hopefully you've never had these used on you, but this is a list of Bad date excuses to use if that "special" someone asks you out and you don't know how to say no. If someone gives you one of these excuses, it is very likely that they have absolutely no interest in going out with you
The list of girls I have dated (Warning: Some obviously descriptive language)
Prospect magazine’s list of 100 intellectuals. (Click on “Poll” to see results)
2. Desks
3. Geese
4. Modems. From Metachat’s short list of things and another short list of short lists of things
The longest list of the longest stuff at the longest domain name
Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (pronounced /ˈalˌbin/) was a name intended for a Swedish child who was born in 1991. (From Wikipedia’a List of unusual personal names)
I am on vacation and am possibly writing on my new Moving to New Zealand blog. This item had been pre-posted for your enjoyment. Many More Unusual Lists Here
December 19, 2005 in Lists | Permalink
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