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December 11, 2005
Hungry Planet
Keep it simple: You want a Round Thing with Salt or not?
The Hungry Planet - What the World Eats. The new book by Peter Menzel (Who was prominently featured here a few times as the author of Man Eating Bugs. Found on a Salon review)
How to braid garlic. (From ”Fawn Jotters”). Cold pressed garlic juice spray
(Since for some Googly reason, I’m the 2nd result for this culinary search), here is the new gallery of creations from Grant Achatz Alinea Restaurant in Chicago. The latest idea from Alinea: Gastronomic Reversals
A Toast to the Art of Emily Rosamond. (From ”Art for housewives”)
Hot Rock! Cook your food on your own tableside volcanic stone
Toasted mayonnaise sandwich. One of the many readers-submitted “Utterly Outrageous Recipes” from LavaMind - That's right. A slice of bread covered in Mayonnaise and toasted to perfection. Mmmm... I eat it almost every day
Chew by numbers Children Gum Art
Antique Toasters & Small Kitchen Appliances for sale
Many More Unusual Recipes and Meals Here
December 11, 2005 in Food | Permalink
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