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November 03, 2005
Obviously you're not a golfer
If you ever go to Blackpool there are three things you must do. The first is to have a few beers in Joe Longthorne's Music Hall Tavern. The second is to avoid the end of pier shows like a dose of the clap. Finally, you must go to the waxworks - an experience I've tried to emulate here. See if you can guess who these gruesome mugs are meant to be
“I was wondering if you had any stamps!” Zombie Virus. (From ”Ample Sanity”)
If I was a polar bear
A slightly-used prosthetic foot, a Satanic alter box, a magic penny. You’ll find them all on Way out auctions - Watching The Strange, Weird, Wild & Wooly Auctions Going On At eBay
Really Bad Tattoos. (From John’s blog)
From Jo Levine's photostream
Take the name bloopers survey. Future babies depend on you. Thank you, Joel
Photo above is not from Factum, but it could be. Many More Unusual Oddities and Crazy linkage Here
November 3, 2005 in Odd & Crazy | Permalink
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