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November 05, 2005

Squat and Gobble

Kfc Railroad Dining Car Menus. (From ”My Online Museum”)

Restaurant seafood prices since 1850s help plot marine harvests through history. History of North Sea stocks offers new insights on modern policies. See side photo of Abalone Shells in Santa Barbara, 1920

Free Lunch at the Google cafeteria

Why would a Chinese restaurant located in Australia choose to call itself "canada"?

Hustler Bar & Grille, a new restaurant chain from Larry Flynt

Suppenküche, a German restaurant in San Francisco. (I just love the name of it)

Many More Unusual Bars and Restaurants Here

November 5, 2005 in Food - Restaurants & Bars | Permalink


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Tracked on Nov 6, 2005 3:44:02 PM


Suppenküche is just a couple of blocks from where I live. It is every bit as delightful as its name.

Apropos of the title of your post, there is also a restaurant with a few locations around SF called "Squat and Gobble". They have delicious crepes, among other things.

Posted by: The Continental Op at Nov 5, 2005 6:06:56 PM

"suppenküche" ist just an ordinary german word, which translates (literaly) to "soup kitchen"

Posted by: sanakan at Nov 6, 2005 9:07:50 AM

BTW I ate at the hearing-impaired run KFC in Dokki, Cairo in May this year. Communication was crystal clear via pointing at a image+text menu on the ordering counter. Interaction with the hearing-impaired employee was very alive and fun, and to top it all this was the only fast food joint that I felt good eating at:)

Posted by: Avi Solomon at Nov 8, 2005 9:59:57 PM