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November 23, 2005
Slash / slash
Now many, many years ago, when I was twenty-three,
I was married to a widow who was pretty as could be.
This widow had a grown-up daughter who had hair of red.
My father fell in love with her, and soon they, too, were wed…
I'm My Own Grandpa. Sung by Ray Stevens
Naked German men by their cars
Amos Latteier built a chainsaw-powered walking machine called the "prosthetic ass". It didn't walk very well. Still, it was named Best Prosthetic Ass in Portland, OR. The prosthetic ass was demonstrated at the Science Faire at the Old Lab in 2000. Happily no one was hurt in the process
Who pays for international mail? Why does the U.S. deliver foreign mail when we don't get any money for the stamps?
Money Making Scheme No. 4675
So You Want To Shoot A Giraffe In The Forehead. Come with me. Up to where giraffe’s brains reside. (From ”Anarchaia”)
Summary of Harry Potter slashfic. (What is Slash fiction, you’re asking). Also, Save Harry from the grasp of Coca-Cola
A giant collection of Art Bikes. (From ”Look At This”)
The What is it? blog. I've been photographing and collecting unusual objects for quite a few years and have just recently started posting them on this site as puzzles for others to figure out what they are. blogger Rob's other blogs
The enduring popularity of El Chavo del Ocho, a Mexican sitcom about a street kid who lives in a barrel. (From ”Slate”)
Number spirals are very simple. To make one, we just write the non-negative integers on a ribbon and roll it up with zero at the center
Many More Unusual Oddities and Crazy linkage Here
November 23, 2005 in Odds & Ends | Permalink
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