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November 06, 2005

The Perfect Martini

New_coke Tasting the Old New Coke. There are certain things that you should really taste at least once, but are usually hard to get a hold of to taste, like let's say top quality caviar, or kobe beef… Then there's a category of items that were eaten in the olden times, but are not considered acceptable food anymore: whale meat, horse meat and other intelligent and/or exotic animal meats… And of course, there are commercial drinks with formulations that are not made anymore

Bong vodka

What is Ultimate Jell-O Shot? The purpose of this experiment was to determine the highest possible concentration of alcohol attainable in a Jell-O shot, while still maintaining the structural integrity of the gelatin

The TCP/IP Drinking Game. (From ”Attu”)

How to run a Steely Dan party

The Perfect Martini by Jim Coudal: First a note about substituting ingredients or tools. Don't. This method has been exhaustively tested and retested for excellence and the smallest variation can result in catastrophic and unintended consequences... There is room for personal preference and improvisation in many things. This is not one of them

No drinking problem

Flat White Coffee, a cappucino drink from New Zealand

Sweet Daddy Tiki's Mugshot Gallery

Milk Farmers Rap

Many More Unusual Drinks Including Unusual Beers Here

November 6, 2005 in Beverages | Permalink


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» Bong Vodka from Slackdaddy
Link: Bong Spirit Import Company via [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 6, 2005 3:35:39 PM

» Perfect Martini from Can You Hear Me Now?
Growabrain has listed several links on how to make drinks and drinking games. Have fun and remember...drink responsibly. :o) Link: growabrain: Perfect Martini. [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 7, 2005 11:10:32 AM


But a real coke cant be served in a can. Must be in a bottle, will never be the right taste else.

Posted by: Chadie at Nov 6, 2005 1:37:17 PM

Flat White isn't exclusive to New Zealand by any means; I had one every morning in Sydney.

Posted by: MrBaliHai at Nov 6, 2005 7:05:30 PM

What I want is the OLD old Coke, with honest-to-God sugar. Not this high-fructose and/or sucrose crap. I want the Real Thing, not a science experiment.

Posted by: Mumblix Grumph at Nov 6, 2005 7:26:17 PM