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November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody – Please give thanks today

Affleck_playing_poker Just in time for Christmas: Dogs Playing Poker Drink Coaster Set

Sears Wishbook 1979

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. This is usually the day that kicks off Winter/Christmas sales, so most stores have their best deals today. Usually such great deals that people will camp out overnight to be sure to get whatever is on sale. Is it worth the $50 in savings? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It's how much you value your time. It's one thing to wait to get the item, it's another thing to have to wait in line to actually purchase that item. NYT story about how Michael Brim developed the site

Just two days after the opening West Texas Prada store in the middle of the desert, it was vandalized

The Hemorrhoid Cryotherapy Device is a simple, do-it-yourself, means to reduce or remove hemorrhoids. It works by apply freezing temperatures directly to the inflamed tissue

Fragrances of the World

America's #1 book on fire eating: You can eat fire

Soapcards, where your words are always clean no matter what you say. Thank you, Kate

Happy Turkey Day!

Many More Unusual Things To Buy Here

November 24, 2005 in Shopping | Permalink


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» Laptop Loss Leader from Jack Yoest
Today is Commerce Day, which is celebrated on the Friday following Thanksgiving Thursday. The day was instituted to satisfy pent-up demand that accumulated over the mid-week consumer diversion to Sam's Club (for food-stuffs), away from Wal-Mart (for a... [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 25, 2005 10:25:28 AM

» Laptop Loss Leader from Jack Yoest
Today is Commerce Day, which is celebrated on the Friday following Thanksgiving Thursday. The day was instituted to satisfy pent-up demand that accumulated over the mid-week consumer diversion to Sam's Club (for food-stuffs), away from Wal-Mart (for a... [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 25, 2005 10:34:26 AM

» Laptop Loss Leader from Reasoned Audacity: Politics in Real Life
Cross Posted at Jack Yoest Today is Commerce Day, which is celebrated on the Friday following Thanksgiving Thursday. The day was instituted to satisfy pent-up demand that accumulated over the mid-week consumer diversion to Sam's Club (for food-stuffs),... [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 25, 2005 12:46:51 PM

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Tracked on Dec 22, 2005 5:25:07 AM
