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November 10, 2005
No te pagamos por pensar. Un trabajador sin cerebro es un trabajador feliz. Cállate y haz tu trabajo
From “Slow Wave” - Job environment was not the best
Sergey Brin's Resume (1996)
25 Words That Can Hurt Your Résumé. Instead of making empty claims to demonstrate your work ethic, use brief, specific examples to demonstrate your skills. In other words, show, don't tell
I work with fools, where you can read or anonymously share work related stories about the foolish coworkers and bosses we all deal with daily
“Crap. It's Wednesday afternoon and I already have Friday brain”. Overheard in the Office
Seven Questions Employees Should Ask Before Joining a Startup. If you are receiving employee options, what is the number of fully-diluted outstanding shares?
Alphabetical index of Occupational Titles provided by the United States Department of Labor. From Abalone Diver to Zoo Veterinarian
(Graphic above by Andrew Hickinbottom. Translation by Microsiervos). Many More Unusual Career Moves Here
November 10, 2005 in Jobs | Permalink
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» Andrew Hickinbottom from aventuraspez
Andrew Hickinbottom. Infografía, 3D. Gran Bretaña.
Notable dominio técnico de las herramientas el de este joven dibujante digital. Necesita madurez en su concepción de los personajes, y más riesgo en la plasmación de éstos, que no se separ [Read More]
Tracked on Nov 13, 2005 12:21:39 PM
jeje.. I like that title ! I'm from Spain :-)
Posted by: Javi Moya at Nov 10, 2005 12:15:06 PM