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November 07, 2005
Building wealth
Get Rich Slowly, an excellent piece by J.D. Roth, about achieving financial independence. “To prepare to build wealth, one must first eliminate debt, reduce spending, and increase earnings... There are many ways to approach debt elimination; the key is to use the one that actually works for you. All the books agree on this: cut up your credit cards. Get rid of them... Next, pay off your debts. All of them… The final phase is to increase your income… How do you (do that)? Become better educated so that your job skills are more marketable. Work harder, and smarter, at your current job so that you qualify for raises and promotions. Change careers. Find a way to make a hobby profitable…” (Good comments too)
During World War 2 the German army issued specific money for their prisoners of war camps and in some of the Ghettos and concentration camps. (From the historic German Paper Money site)
Fire your bank - “Do I know you?” and Avery Ant’s rant Banks suck
Kiva, microfinancing small businesses in the developing world
Bluegrass ”Money”. (From Pickin' on Pink Floyd: A Bluegrass Tribute. The complete Pickin' On Series)
Unrelated: The Blue ball machine
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Many More Unusual Stories about Money Here
November 7, 2005 in Money & Finances | Permalink
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Mojo Nixon's song, I Hate Banks, is a classic.
"Wall Street can suck my bone!"
Posted by: MrBaliHai at Nov 7, 2005 5:03:05 AM