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November 28, 2005

Best blog I know

Best_award The most common question that I get in emails is “Can you link to my site?” The second most common question is “Where do you find all that stuff?” Well, now it can be told. For over a year now, I’ve been scouring this most original site, and so I bring to you here - Hemaworstje / Fulminatia / TollFreedom / Hopsakee.

This Shock-blogger (From Holland? From Alabama?) digs into places that few of the traditional “Link-sifters” dare go, and his generous daily link-dump is always filled with incredible finds.

Be warned that his choices are often NSFW, and sometimes they are extremely offensive. Still you’ll regularly find there undecipherable Russian cartoons, obscure East-European eye-candy, outrageous usage of large weaponry, absurdities from the orient, unrelated wonders & some of the most gorgeous naked women in the world. The site often changes design (A few months ago, it went all white and you had to blindly click on a white screen to find the hidden links!), so don’t get too comfortable when approaching it.

Since it doesn’t look like he keeps archives which preserves his complete output, I decided to do something a little different here today, and under the category of Best of Everything, simply copy a bunch of unusual links (Many video clips) from the excellent Hemaworstje Fulminatia / Hopsakee !

The Naked Box video

Buffalo kill

Archival footage taken from the 1999 documentary on the war on drugs "Grass”, showing a squad of Vietnam soldiers smoking marijuana through the barrel of an unloaded shotgun at base camp

Dead Chicken Processing In China

Dennis Leary sings “I’m an Asshole”. (The uncensored version)

Ting Ting plays Mozart

The Kafkaesque Cafard. (Showed up on Metafilter a few hours later)

The old Candid camera trick with the eggs on the conveyer belt

"Beautiful Boxer", the true story of the Best Thai Transvestite Kickboxing Film Ever

Snake eating mouse


Let’s Moose Around. (From ”Avery ant”)

The 100 Best Doctors in America list

>>>>Deleted per blogger's request<<<<

November 28, 2005 in Best of Everything | Permalink


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Congrats @ Hema, "ff kieke" is some sort of dutch slang meaning "get a peek" More of hema can be seen on www.retecool.com



Posted by: Betsy at Nov 28, 2005 5:54:43 AM

Hemaworstje is not something you'd easily choose as your name.

A worst(je) is a weenie.

Hema is a large store, famous for their weenies and plastic household stuff. It has the image of a lowerclass shop that's trustworthy enough to go to for the upperclass people.

The words put together either means a tasty weenie, or a stupid man. Here's a story in dutch about a marketing manager who sued an advertising agency after being called a hemaworstje in a magazine. He lost the case. The Hema did not complain about their name being used as a curseword.

Posted by: behanger at Nov 28, 2005 5:25:20 PM

Howdy, I do not view it as a shocklog,I show the good,the bad and the ugly side of life up to a certain degree,
just realism mixed with heavy medication.
It might be shocking to the ones that never lived a real life, but it is not disgusting.
I just like to see the human as the animal which it is, with or without the so called layer of civilisation,
when things turn bad or good, they remain to act and behave like the cows in my barn( not exactly ,mine are veggies).

Thank you for the virtual price and the compliments ,I thought i just typed into the net to some friends not realising i had a "stalker".
I will ask my provider if he accepts it instead of hard cash.

Posted by: Hemaworstje at Dec 2, 2005 11:03:33 AM

hemaworstje is a nut a fucn nut he needs a rubber room believe me

Posted by: jazz at Jan 23, 2006 7:17:57 PM

I would preferr that you do no longer visit my blog.

Posted by: Hemaworstje at Jul 6, 2006 10:43:54 PM

still getting americans on my blog , can you remove this post?
it is not something to be proud of.
tx in advance.

Posted by: hemaworstje at Nov 7, 2006 10:26:25 PM

Hanna get yr butt moving and delete this posting.

Posted by: hemaworstje at Mar 28, 2007 9:23:49 PM

High from Holland.
I`m hemaworstje`s big brother and yes he`s obsessed and traded in a few addictions for others...but I think in the end one gets a bit tired of seing cunts all the time.At times I just don`t wanna see them widescreen.My blog is better anyways,http://koenski-beterweter.blogspot.com/

Posted by: kski at Jun 20, 2009 7:43:05 AM

Hema has no brother. koenski is a spamming pedo.

Posted by: Andijviestampot kuiltje jus at Jan 6, 2010 7:06:42 AM