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November 06, 2005
“Bad for the Glass”
A new stamp Celebrating Agriculture
My sister Mandy, posing next to Afghanistan's leading cash crop
Welcome to the Magic Mushrooms section of the Caned in Totnes site. As you may well know, September is the start of Magic Mushroom Season in the UK and the historic town of Totnes offers the passing dude a plenitude of Psychedelic Fungi at this time of year, as does nearby Dartmoor
Hacksaw’s tasty CannaButter recipe
Up in Smoke. This is your brain on television: what not to do if you're a pot smoker
Spokannabis. How a chubby pizza-delivery boy from Idaho became a drug kingpin
Let those dopers be. The former chief of Seattle's police department wants to end the losing drug war by legalizing all drugs. Denver goes first
More about any kind of illegal drugs especially Acid and Pot Here
November 6, 2005 in Drugs - "Save the Roaches, Arnie" | Permalink
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» Just Wrong! from Let Me See You Get Low
Although one would think that The Cat in the Hat is on drugs, it's disturbing seeing him hitting the bong. It's just wrong! Link: growabrain: Bad for the Glass. [Read More]
Tracked on Nov 7, 2005 11:16:17 AM