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October 07, 2005

Tentacle Support

Mister_octopus Jeb's Jobs - Episode 1: Technical Support. Written, Directed & Performed by Nick Forshaw

Welcome to the official Office Guns website. It started in a meeting. We were playing bullshit bingo, and on the third round I thought to myself: "Oh my God! Can't someone just shoot that bastard?" I was getting tired of bullshit bingo and was fingering with some office supplies. As a sworn Lego-fan, I always try to connect things together. I was connecting two Maulies, then suddenly one of them flew across the room and hit the boring speaker right on the nose. He got a nose-bleed and had to stop the presentation early

Working with idiots can kill you

Five Things I Hate About Being a Dominatrix in the Summer. Normally, I love my job. I've been a journalist, an editor, a marketing associate, even a radio DJ, but I've never been more intellectually, emotionally and physically stimulated by a job as I have since becoming a professional Dominatrix

So You Wanna Be A "Hooters" Girl? A peek at Hooters employee handbook

Also, True Porn Clerk Stories

Build you own Lego cube. The Top 14 Alternate Terms For 'Cubicle'

New Office Slang: Idea Hamsters - People whose idea generators are always running

Many More Unusual Career Moves Here

October 7, 2005 in Jobs | Permalink


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Tracked on Oct 9, 2005 9:08:56 PM


I would have thought you'd do some hands on research on that Hooters item.

Posted by: Steel at Oct 9, 2005 1:20:17 AM