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October 04, 2005

"We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert…"

Film_director Deserted Drive-In Theaters, by Carl Weese

Colored Images from Fritz Lang’s Metropolis

"My name is Lester Burnham. This is my street. This is my neighborhood. This is my life. I am 42 years old. In less than a year, I will be dead. Of course, I don't know that yet, and in a way, I'm dead already. Look at me…" Monologue from American Beauty, written by Alan Ball. A multitude of movie monologues at “Colin's Movie Monologue Page“

Psycho, the love story. Probably from the same competition that brought you Shining, the feel good movie of the year, Westside Zombie Story and The Horror of The Titanic

Kiss my Wookiee, Dwarfnut. All curses used in the Star Wars universe

"Work In Progress" from Industrial Light & Magic. In a workshop built by Terry Gilliam, two peculiar inventors squabble over their latest creation. What’s more important, concept or implementation? Available also in Quicktime version - May take time to load, worth the wait.

Done Deal! Your daily Internet screenwriting news resource for screenplay, pitch, treatment, and book deals in the film industry. (From Warren Ellis). Also, Write Movies Contests

Simply scripts, another giant resource of film scripts

Movie Poster Index of all movies shown on Mystery Science Theater 3000

Site is dedicated to one of the most thought-provoking films I have ever seen, Richard Linklater’s Waking Life

The unexpected Best of “Rotten Tomatoes”

Grow-a-brain’s Extensive Collections of Best Film Directors and other Unusual Film Stories Here

October 4, 2005 in Cinema | Permalink


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I love the re-edited trailers. My favorite re-edit of a film is Twilight Zone: Planet of the Apes: http://theforbidden-zone.com/media/tzone.shtml

Posted by: Scaramouche at Oct 5, 2005 12:27:59 PM