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October 16, 2005

Emergency landing

Polar_bear_1 Front wheel of the Jet Blue plane that did the emergency landing in LA recently

Sky Dyes hot air balloons. (From ”Surfez Avec Moi”)

Aircraft covers - bras for planes

Another photo gallery of giant airplane graveyards

Did a man soared three miles above Los Angeles in an "aircraft" consisting of an aluminum lawn chair tethered to helium weather balloons? The truth behind The Flight of the Lawn Chair Man

How to make an X-Wing fighter out of a Metro ticket and X-acto knife

The 10 Most Undervalued Airplanes

World’s largest king salmon on the side of Alaska Airlines 737-400

Just the words: The complete unexpurgated scripts of the original Monty Python's Flying Circus

Many More Unusual Flight Links Here

October 16, 2005 in Flight | Permalink


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