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October 30, 2005

Morgue humor

Heaven_on_earth The 50 most embarrassing ways to die. No 35: Drowning during your Born-Again baptism

List of unusual deaths. Example: 1923: Frank Hayes, jockey, suffered a heart attack during a horse race. The horse, Sweet Kiss, went on to finish first, making Hayes the only deceased jockey to win a race

Also: Lists of people who died, by cause of death, in alphabetical order of cause

In the morgue with Bernie

Gallery of beautiful Italian funeral art. (From ”Metafilter”)

Why is there death and suffering? Creation scientists looking for answers

Oregon's Death with Dignity Act

Autopsy on HBO

Re-post: Ars moriendi, The Art of Dying by Edward Gorey

Dying, Yamaraja and Yamadutas - Vedic view of death

Many More Unusual Links About Death and Eternity and about Unusual Coffins & Caskets Here

October 30, 2005 in Death & Eternity | Permalink


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» Unusual Deaths in Hungary from Legacy Matters™
895: lmos, the top chieftain leading Hungarian tribes towards the Carpathian basin, was executed in a horse sacrifice on the border, not allowed to enter the haven for ritual reasons - a cruel reflection on the fate of Moses 1063: King Bé... [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 3, 2005 7:15:43 PM
