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October 26, 2005
State Farm
Going back to Iowa, for Grant Wood was the formative experience in his artistic life
'Iowa sucks'. Officials say the grass should be regaining its color by October 15
2003 Iowa Gas Swap Meet, from “Old Gas”, The Gas Station & Auto Service Collectibles Web Site
For eight years I have been the leading supplier of hybrid seed corn in Winneshiek County, Iowa and the reason is clear: My seed is pure
One of the world's largest pizzas - 50,000 slices in Iowa Falls
Twas the night before Fitzmas, and in the White House
Every one was scared shitless, and Bush was quite soused
The indictments were hanging like Damoceles’ sword
As verminous oxen prepared to be gored…
Many More Unusual Links about Iowa Here
October 26, 2005 in Traveling Places - Iowa | Permalink
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No! Please no! A uselessly juvenile political swipe! OMG! Parody doggerel that will make me rethink my position on the Iraqi constitutional process!
You have a nice site - fun, but not essential or indispensible. It's not the politics that spoils it; it's the crude assumption that your political foes are evil stinky swine. It's like walking through a house you really like, and having the realtor start bitching about tax cuts, oh, and here's a great place for a wet bar if you're a stupid drunk like Bush. You wouldn't assume your customers are enlightened Bush-haters; don't know why you think your web patrons are.
"Verminous oxen." Jesus. Okay, they bad, he Satan, got it. Whatever.
Posted by: Daily Visitor at Oct 27, 2005 9:53:13 PM
Thank you for your thoughtful comment, and you are right: My frustration and political anger are poisoning the rest of my mind. The jokes are not funny any more - http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2005/7/21alexander.html - and it's getting tedious & boring to hear the same stories again & again. But I am really angry. I think this country is being demolished now bit by bit. And only the "lefties" care.
Posted by: Hanan Levin at Oct 27, 2005 10:34:42 PM
One's political stance is their business and should not be up for debate. Remember, this is Hanan's site - your opportunity to state and discuss what you want. If Daily is opposed to your views, there are 6 million other blogs to peruse.
Posted by: Shane at Oct 28, 2005 6:13:29 AM