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September 25, 2005
Real Estate Commissions -
The Malibu Pyramid house presented by Gary Harryman
Rows of Low-income housing in Ixtapaluca, Mexico
Small Polish Houses. (From ”Things Magazine”)
Rare opportunity in Rhode Island. 1494 sq. ft. house from 1979 - on sewer. Includes 245 sq. ft. porch
My Gay Agent. (From FHC's aborted blog)
If you own apartment buildings, you can find out how your tenants are rating your complex
More about brokerage fees: The 6 Percent Solution. Skip Real Estate Agents all together? (A NY Times article)
Many More Unusual Real Estate Stories Here
September 25, 2005 in Real estate | Permalink
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Oh for the > in that gorgeous Pyramid House where the outside view comes in to join you! In UK there is a lot of new housing being built, which is not for people with low incomes, but looks very like the buildings in your Ixtapaluca, Mexico link. This is one of the big disadvantages of living in the south east of an overpopulated, small island. My own place is not much bigger and I am paid a good salary for my profession. I could only achieve Pyramid size housing by emigrating. Not such a bad idea ...!
Posted by: Julie at Sep 27, 2005 12:55:57 PM
Something strange happened there. My first few words should read "Oh for the SPACE in that gorgeous Pyramid House" Don't know why my word and some chevrons got lost. Sorry!
Posted by: Julie at Sep 27, 2005 12:58:51 PM
Ralph Roberts, Thankful for his Good Fortune, will Waive Listing Commission for Homeowners Hurt by Layoffs and Plant Closings
DETROIT, Nov. 23, 2005 -- Ralph Roberts will waive the listing commission for the first ten families in each of three counties -- Wayne, Oakland and Macomb -- who contact him between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day who have been laid off or lost overtime and can no longer afford their homes as a result of layoffs and plant closings faced by employees of GM, Ford, Delphi, Daimler-Chrysler and other automotive related companies.
"The families of metro Detroit and Michigan are facing a terrible situation, with these recently announced massive plant closings and layoffs, the likes of which we have not seen in many years," said Ralph. "I feel very strongly that those of us in real estate who have been fortunate and enjoyed success have a responsibility to extend ourselves to individuals and families who are facing some very hard choices."
Ralph's goal is to connect families who need to downsize and get into a smaller house that they can better handle financially with families who are interested in selling their homes.
As an example, on the sale of a $200,000 house, the listing commission of usually 3%, or $6,000, will not be charged to the selling homeowner. Interested property owners should contact Ralph Roberts or his three listing partners Paul Corona, Jenny Kelly, Joy Santiago or Sarah Hodges at 586-751-0000 or email to [email protected].
Ralph Roberts, recognized by TIME Magazine as "the best-selling REALTOR(R) in America, is the owner of Ralph Roberts Realty, LLC, and author of Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman, Real Wealth By Investing in Real Estate, 52 Weeks of Sales Success and Sell it Yourself. Ralph is recognized as one of the top REALTORS in America. Ralph Roberts Realty, LLC, is located in Warren, Michigan and online at http://www.ralphroberts.com/, tel. (586) 751-0000.
Lois Maljak 586-751-0000 [email protected]
Posted by: ralph r roberts at Nov 23, 2005 6:02:25 PM