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September 16, 2005

The Peter Schmuck File

Camel_riding_2 Pete, ever think of changing your name?
"Actually I did, Buddy."
"You did?!"
"Yeah, my name used to be Richard, but I got tired of people calling me Dick." (From 'Getting over the Hump in Learning Yiddish')

Homeland security in Yiddish: "How long did it take the Twin Towers to fall? 8 seconds. How long will it take to save Williamsburg from the artists???"

A contract with God, the first graphic novel in Yiddish, by Will Eisner. (Thank you, Steven M. Bergson)

Bagels and Bongos, Yiddish standards done to a 50’s Latin beat by Irving Fields

The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music

A short glossary of Yiddish words. Online Yiddish Dictionary

The National Yiddish Book Center

Blogs in Yiddish: שלום בערגער, The Yiddish Journal, קטלא קניא, naye un alte lider, דער חָסיד נוֹעם סטאַריק, אין מױל אַרײַן

More Unusual Yiddish Links Here

September 16, 2005 in Yiddish | Permalink


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Wow, blogs in Yiddish! My mother would love that! As long as the wording is in English instead of Hebrew; I'm pretty sure she can read Hebrew a bit, but as Yiddish is a mostly spoken language (at which she's fluent) it'll be far easier for her to look at the ones with English letters...

Posted by: Elayne Riggs at Sep 16, 2005 7:24:39 AM

I found this website from "The Society to Establish Yiddish as the National Language of Israel." I thought you might enjoy it. It has a great Yiddish video with Jerry Seinfeld in addition to the weather in Yiddish, a Yiddish wikibook and more. Enjoy!

Posted by: Chaim Katzenellenbogen at Aug 21, 2008 3:34:25 PM

I forgot to give you the URL:


Posted by: Chaim Katzenellenbogen at Aug 21, 2008 3:35:56 PM