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August 19, 2005
The Bicycle Thief
According to the South Carolina State-wide Offender Record Database, South Carolina police are still searching for a man who was arrested in 1949 for a minor offense. Herbert Simmons escaped and has been missing since
Stolen bicycle registry with a database of stolen bikes
Eric C. Conn, lawyer: Yes I speak Spanish, and My wife is Hispanic, but the more important question is this: What’s wrong with that?
Pictures Of Surveillance Cameras
Case Closed - Profiles of infamous crimes and criminals
2 from “The Smoking Gun”: He Brakes For Midgets and "Gold Dust"...
Many More Unusual Links about Crime and Punishment Here
August 19, 2005 in Crime & Punishment | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
August 18, 2005
My Toy Helicopter
A giant site of Airport Postcards For Sale from Larry Myers
Six B747-400D Disney planes for Japan Air Lines 50th Anniversary Campaign
Wrong Way Corrigan became a legendary aviator, not because of his accomplishments as a pilot but rather because of a supposed navigational error. In 1938, Corrigan "mistakenly" flew from New York to Ireland - when he was supposed to be flying from New York to California
Airport Homes. Find your pilot dream house
Emilio Pucci’s hostess couture, designed for Braniff International
Early Aircraft Design. The drawings featured here were found in original U.S. Patent applications. The patent drawings reflect the various design styles of the early 20th Century. (From Jeremy Tolbert)
Welcome to Airline Timetable Images, a site devoted to the collecting of airline timetables. Here you will find images of many timetables, both old and new
Complaint from Seat 29E, sent to Continental
Shannon Goff’s Cardboard Helicopter
New Micro spy planes. The Wasp air vehicle has a 13-inch wingspan and weighs 6 ounces
Many More Unusual Flight Links Here
August 18, 2005 in Flight | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 17, 2005
No. 52 - Refuse all honors before you are offered them
10 Things You Should Do More Often Than You Think (From “Ritilan”). No 1. Tell you Spouse you love them and appreciate what they do
Andrew Jones 1000 Self-portraits
Adults have long compiled lists of things to achieve before they die - but now youngsters are being encouraged to tick off their own "must do" list. 33 things to do by age 10. No. 25. Find some worms
101 Things you do not want your System Administrator to say. No 71: I hate it when that happens
Kill a rat and 100 other things to do, from The Guardian 2004. No. 16. “Remain alert, but not alarmed”
100 Things to do when ordering a pizza by phone
From Vegard Skjefstad’s list of 100 Things to do: No. 14. Rob a bank.
A LJ list
Things to do on Saturday Night. No 69: Hijak a bus. From "The Random Ramblings Of A Cannabis Addict"
100 Things to do Besides Drink: “Life weights”
Many cities just slap a bunch of tourist attractions on a webpage & call it “100 things to do”, f. ex. during a Milwaukee winter or in Oakland or in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island, Washington
Another List of Lists, from “Forkbender”
1001 things on my wishlist before I die
The Complete List of Things to do before you die Here
August 17, 2005 in Things to do before you die | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
No one needs a vacation so much as the person who has just had one
Flash of drawings by Antonio Jorge Goncalves of people sitting in subway trains in cities around the world. (From ”Drawn”)
Lahoree Swimming Pool, the largest natural swimming pool in the world
Between 1991 and 1994 a photographic survey of the Leaning Tower of Pisa was undertaken by the Committee for the consolidation and conservation of the tower. Every column, capital and decoration of the tower was accurately photographed and catalogued. The survey has produced 6400 photographs. (From ”Everything Isn’t”)
Images from Thessaloniki, Greece by taz
Bienvenue sur le site de La Marseillaise, The French national anthem
400-foot waterfall discovered in California park
“A small town in upper Austria near the Bavarian border, Fucking is a tiny village whose sole industry consists of allowing tourists to have their photo taken alongside the town sign on the main road”
Many More Unusual Travel Destinations Here
August 17, 2005 in Traveling Places | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Feedster Top 500
With 1,470 links, I have “earned the right to proudly display the Feedster Top 500 icon on my blog” (No. 232, middle of the scroll – Yea!)
More links:
From Wugsy: …”probably the best blog in the world”
From “RTC”: …some of the best links ever…
“Resource blog” on flickr. (By Creatrix)
“My favorite blog” (In Danish)
"Get your stats counter spinning like a slot machine..."
- Who y’all calling ”prestigious blog”, boy?
August 10, 2005 mention on Tamata Chuang’s Orange County Register Business blog
If you like the graphics displayed here, you can see a big portion of this blog’s images on Google
Previously mentioned articles, from Investor’s Business Daily and Los Angeles Times story about real estate blogs
Grab a graphic to link to Grow-a-Brain
Here is the complete list of what people were saying about Grow-a-Brain
August 17, 2005 in People are Talking about Grow-a-Brain | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack
August 16, 2005
“Man who drive like hell is bound to get there” (Chinese proverb)
From The US Department of Art & Technology: Tristan und Isolde’s Fateful embrace (Click on hi-rez video)
"How gently and quietly he smiles
How tenderly he opens his eyes
Do you see it, friends?
Don't you see?"...
“Buy beleaguered, overworked White House aides enough drinks and they tell a sordid tale of an administration under siege, beset by bitter staff infighting and led by a man whose mood swings suggest paranoia bordering on schizophrenia…”
- Losing it by Doug Thompson (who described Bush a few weeks ago as “criminally insane, a pill-popping dry drunk whose erratic behavior and reckless actions threaten world peace and the future of this nation far more than any Islam-spouting religious fanatic… an enemy of the state, a mood-swinging despot who threatens the very freedoms that form the foundation for this country…”) - Thank you, E.S.
The Apparat - Bush's back-door political machine
The cast of characters Involved In Plame Leak
Design for Confusion, by Paul Krugman. I'd like to nominate Irving Kristol, the neoconservative former editor of The Public Interest, as the father of "intelligent design." No, he didn't play any role in developing the doctrine. But he is the father of the political strategy that lies behind the intelligent design movement - a strategy that has been used with great success by the economic right and has now been adopted by the religious right
Many More Links Unusual Links About Politics As Usual Here
August 16, 2005 in Politics | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Beautiful Ripples luxurious bathrooms
Bring back the spittoon! A giant spittoon collection
Esther Derkx’ Improved Crockery
Order up the buffalo wings and ice down the Milwaukee’s Best--it’s almost football season! And there’s no better place to play armchair quarterback than in the Golgotha La-Z-Boy
A blog about monobloc plastic chair, the most successful and least beloved piece of furniture of our culture
The Household Cyclopedia - a book of general knowledge printed in 1881. (From ”Fawn Jotters”)
Residential Pneumatic Vacuum Elevator
Home graffiti - Translate urban, misfit anger into commercial, homely decoration
Modern cave. People still live in caves
A Cob Cottage Update: A Multi-Media Visit with Ianto Evans and Linda Smiley on New Developments in the World of Cob Building. The Hand-Sculpted House: A Practical and Philosophical Guide to Building a Cob Cottage
Building a Cob Oven. (From ”Jolly Socratic”)
An Exhibit of Flower Shaped Urinals and other Nature Inspired Sculptures by San Francisco Artist, Clark Sorensen
Many More Unusual Design Concepts Here
August 16, 2005 in Home Decor | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
August 15, 2005
Bags of fun
How To Make a Set of highland Bagpipes for $5. Also: Universe of Bagpipes - A pathway to a nearly forgotten world of musical magic for musicians, historians, instrument makers, collectors and all who are enchanted by bagpipes
Funky Do Morro - Music from the slums of Rio. Also, Favela Faces tells the stories behind four people living in or around the favelas of Rio de Janeiro
The Glasses used to make Finkenbeiner Glass Harmonicas are made from Pure Quartz (fused silica) and contain no lead. Instruments are completely assembled with motor and speed control
Ken Butler’s hybrid instruments and sound sculptures
Depressing Classic Rock Midi Songs, by the LSDudes
Twink, a toy piano band. It's a challenge to take anything involving a toy piano seriously, but here are some Samples. (From ”Fazed”)
How many singers does it take to make an opera? Sometimes fewer than it takes to screw in a light bulb. Most well-known operas happen to have seven or more solo roles. Here, to satisfy the curiosity of the would-be impressario with a limited payroll, or the small group of singers wondering what they can do all by themselves, is a list of operas requiring six or fewer solo singers
Some Wikipedia’s Lists: "Am I The Only One?" List of song titles phrased as questions, List of songs whose title appears more than twenty times in the lyrics (Think "Love Shack"), List of songs over fifteen minutes in length - Note the compositions of Klaus Schulze. (And of course, List of songs deemed inappropriate by Clear Channel following the September 11, 2001 attacks; Think Pink Floyd's "Mother" and "Run Like Hell")
Fri 26 August 2005 Marseille Figs will perform at the Victoria & Albert Museum as part of an event concerning art & money
Mike Portnoy of Dream Theatre in the studio playing a huge-ass set of drums
Hey Joe by Jimi Hendrix. (From ”Ffkieke - Source is often NS4W!) Jimi Hendrix pretended to be gay so he would be discharged from the army
Grab a graphic to link to Grow-a-Brain
And that's that. Ta-da! The Aristocrats! Many More Unusual Musicians and their Music Here
August 15, 2005 in Music_ | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack
The New Dorcus line of Tite-Waist Pants
Parts of the Uniform. (From “Dressed to the Nines”: A History of the Baseball Uniform)
Novelty fabrics for Lara’s Corsets & Gowns. (From Martin Klasch)
The Dorcus Collection. Lileks’s men's fashion from the 50's, 60's and 70's
Edible Arts Show in Hastings New Zealand , March 6 2005. (From ”Jaf Project”)
Burl Veneer's New Tie Blog
Wild Rose Tattoo Shirts. (Like the previously-blogged Sleeves Clothing)
Colour of the Day project. A different color t-shirt for each day of the week
Re-post: Draw-girl
Many More Unusual Fashion Trends Here
August 15, 2005 in Fashion | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack
August 14, 2005
Beer News
Composer Randy Johnson’s score to the Heineken ad ”Disturbances”. (Click on Music – Ad is at bottom left. From a Google Answer)
Reassuringly Elephants - Beware of the beer that turns you into an ostrich. Drawing on Buñuel, with music by Tchaikovsky, Valse Sentimentale, performed by Clara Rockmore. (Also by Frank Budgen - "Streaker" for Nike). Stella Artois Live Film. Other Stella films
Steelback Tango, brewed by Steelback Brewery, voted worst beer in the world, as rated by the thousands of beer enthusiasts at RateBeer.com
Brew your own delicious ginger beer
Vores Øl, the world's first open source beer draws its inspiration from the open source movement
Lots of beer paraphernalia at The Annual Homemade Bikini Contest at the Hog's Breath Saloon in Key West, FL
Job description: Beer destroyer
Kidsbeer, a nonalcoholic brew aimed at children
An Austrian holiday resort is offering guests the chance to swim in a pool containing 42,000 pints of beer
A Huge Collection of Unusual Beers And Other Alcoholic Beverages Here
August 14, 2005 in Beverages - Beer | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Credit Card Debt
Why Americans are in debt - A horrible credit card promotion
Of the world's 100 largest economic entities, 51 are now corporations and 49 are countries
Large denomination bills in U.S. currency
A diagram to help you make sense of the recent Corporate Corruption scandals
The Dubious Rewards of Consumption. Greater material consumption has not brought about greater happiness, argues World Watch Institute researcher Alan Thein Durning. (From Singlenesia)
(By the way, I am using the last matches from an old-fashioned Norwegian matchbox that I found in my possession. Somehow I've kept it since 1974, when I lived in a farm near Oslo... It says on the cover "Velg Gul" - Choose Yellow - Nitedals fyrstikker)...
Many More Unusual Stories about Money Here
August 14, 2005 in Money & Finances | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
August 13, 2005
“A fierce dog ruins a liquor store business”
“Aged ginger is more pungent” and many other Chinese Proverbs
Two weeks ago tuesday four o'clock in the afternoon, a fish reportedly spoke up in a fish store in New Square, NH... Zalmen, the fish monger heard the fish making noises as if it was sobbing and then the fish said in Hebrew "tzrichim shmira, hasof bah" (we need protection, the end is arriving). The fish cried some more and then said "Ani tzarich tikkun, ani tzarich tikkun" (I need repair, I need repair)…
“I am looking for a downloadable high resolution photo or painting of a red one room schoolhouse. The image will be used to create a photo montage/mosaic, and should be clear (not a water color blurry type). Would like the photo to include some trees and a country lane if possible”
First Aid (in German!)
Welcome to the Internet's hiccup archive
These galleries show only a tiny fraction of the 11,000+ frogobilia that are housed in the FrogsGalore Museum, a purpose-built secure location for private collector Sheila Crown to display her ever growing collection of frog artifacts
Neenstar and “The stairs of the life of a woman”
…The first sculpture was given to my wife Nava, when she graduated in dentistry. After severe stroke, in 1995, I could not practice dentistry any more, and one of my activities, became the dentist statue collection…
World Chill - How chill are you?
The Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress holds more than 4.5 million items, of which Map Collections represents only a small fraction, those that have been converted to digital form
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"
Music in similar motion (? – A giant repertoire of round photos over many pages)
Sex, Drugs, Einstein, and Elves: Sushi, Psychedelics, Parallel Universes, and the Quest for Transcendence. A new book by Dr. Cliff Pickover's
"English? Who needs that? I'm never going to England!"
Many More Unusual Oddities and Crazy linkage Here
August 13, 2005 in Odds & Ends | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
August 12, 2005
Golden Age of the Cube
The Perplexing Life of Erno Rubik
Cult of Mac, a series of Rubik's Cube sculptures by the French artist "Invader". Portrait of “Invader”
Cubed Keyboard (From Worth 1000’s Stupid Technology)
flickr Puzzles
Lego cube solver: Dual RCX, LEGO Cam enabled, solves the 3x3 Rubik's cube. (Thank you, Steel). LEGO Rubik's Cube. Also, Rubik's Cube Solver by Eric Dietz
Cube Java Applet. (From a Metafilter thread)
Self-referential aptitude test
Planarity. Arrange the vertices such that no edges overlap
Everything You Need To Know About Rubik’s Cube and Hundreds of Other Games Here
August 12, 2005 in Games - Rubik's Cube | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Hygiene in Space
Space Mission Patches covers the patches for all US manned missions prior to the Space Shuttle
A study of the Galaxy Song by Eric Idle. Eric Idle, Monty Python player extraordinaire, wrote the Galaxy Song for the movie The Meaning of Life. I was quite curious to see how it has withstood 20 years of astronomical leaps in our understanding of the universe
The Cosmic Distance Scale will give an impression of how immense our Universe is by employing a method used many times in "Power of 10" films - that is, starting with an image of the Earth and then zooming out to the furthest visible reaches of our Universe
"Waste Collection Systems" in space - i.e. How do astronauts go to the bathroom?
Mars Rover Sunset: A Moment Frozen in Time. This Panoramic Camera mosaic was taken around 6:07 in the evening of the rover's 489th martian day, or sol
$100 million moon flight with Space Adventures
Seen everywhere: Steve Robinson’s Self-Portrait. Astronaut turns camera on himself during repair job "underneath" Discovery on August 3.
Laika, the first space dog, did not live nearly as long as Soviet officials led the world to believe
Many More unusual links about space travel Here
August 12, 2005 in Space | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
August 11, 2005
The Donald started a real estate blog
The latest real estate blogger is also the wealthiest one: "My career is a model of tough, fair dealing and fantastic success - without shortcuts, without breaking the law."
National Association of REALTORS® ‘s “Center for Realtor Technology” published a report today on blogging in real estate. Also, the new blog of the NAR. Let the floodgates open.
Matt Lanning’s blog on San Francisco Real Estate
Buy a Home in Ohio, by Leah Ifft in Youngstown
Myrtle Beach Condos, by David O'Connell
Design Your Blueprint for Real Estate Success with America's Favorite Real Estate and Business Coach, Rodney Johnson
Owe Boat - Debt makes the world go ’round
Real Estate Rants with podcaster Palmer Often, of Orange County. Interactive Real Estate Discussions
The complete List of Real Estate Blogs as well as Grow-a-Brain’s Extensive Real Estate Archives are Here
August 11, 2005 in Real estate Blogs | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack