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August 30, 2005
But First, a Message From Our Sponsor
"False perspective" space in a Quaker Oats commercial directed by Errol Morris, and starring magician Ricky Jay
Last week's New Yorker hits the bright red bull's-eye on advertising chutzpah with an entire issue containing only one advertiser - The middle-brow big-box retailer, Target. Hey, that's just what New York needs: Buildings with targets painted all over them
The old Hank Makes it Flat site from last year was actually a viral campaign by a company called Digital Oxygen that sold Motorola cell phones. I prefer the new ads for Motorola’s Video phones
Telephone ads through the decades
Dandruff and other memorable campaigns by Leo Burnett
Neil French, The Man Who Wrote Too Much. (From Ernie Schenck)
As part of the nature/culture division, we see numerous representations of stupid women in popular culture. The division of the world into the male symbolic realm of culture and the female domestic realm leaves women as intellectually inferior. In popular advertising this trope is expressed in visual senses—as women’s faces are composed in such a way as to suggest stupidity—as well as linguistic senses—women are seen saying stupid things or being portrayed as unable to think for themselves without assistance of a man. 2,500 more images about Gender and advertising
Bumvertising™, the use of sign holding vagrants to advertise
(This is post No. 1600). A Large Collection of Unusual Ads Here
August 30, 2005 in Advertising | Permalink
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