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August 27, 2005
Dial M
Hitchcock's "elevator story" as told by Peter Bogdanovich
Hitchcock at War. Despite being unfit for active military service, Hitchcock was very keen to contribute to the war effort, especially after a snide comment by his former producer Michael Balcon about "plump" British directors going to Hollywood "while we who are left behind short-handed are trying to harness the films to our great national effort"
IMDb rating of Hitchcock’s 53 movies
Joe Bob Briggs interviews Tippi Hedren
Film still collection from all movies
Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Episode guide, including air dates, cast and crew, and plot synopses, 1955-1960
Grab a graphic to link to Grow-a-Brain, the No. 1 Google result for Who we’all honorin’ here today?
More Unusual Hitchcock and Unusual Chaplin Moments Here
August 27, 2005 in Cinema - Hitchcock | Permalink
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