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August 07, 2005

50,000 shopping malls

Calvin_klein The Shopping Game: Freak out the checkout clerk at a store by purchasing a strange combination of four innocuous items.
Example: Live goldfish
a blender
plastic cups

"Take as much or as little as you need." Buy one grain of sugar and pay with a $100 bill. (Found on a wonderful Metafilter thread that was looking for anecdotes related to grocery clerking and the stereotypes of shoppers they serve)

What's in a cigarette? Composite list of ingredients added to tobacco of Philip Morris cigarettes manufactured for sale in various countries

Buy Authentic Memorabilia from current Hollywood productions

Pet tree

At last! The era of tubed dentifrices is about to meet a new foe! Toothpaste in a jar! Jar of toothpaste holds an incredible 48 ounces of toothpaste, enough for 800 uses! (One of many Cockeyed eBay auctions)

Also, for sale on eBay - Moshe Dayan's eye patch

For the ladies: Armadillo purses

Many More Unusual Things To Buy Here

August 7, 2005 in Shopping | Permalink


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» The Shopping Game from Slackdaddy
"The point is that the four items be innocuous in and of themselves, but in combination would completely freak out the checkout clerk..." My favorite: guitar cologne Boy Scouts Songbook condoms I remember years ago, a roommate and I went shopping for vari [Read More]

Tracked on Aug 9, 2005 7:04:27 PM


if the ladies get armadillostuff, we guys ought to get this :

Posted by: peter at Aug 8, 2005 9:39:52 AM